International Committee for the Improvement of the Amenties of Country Life

International Committee for the Improvement of the Amenties of Country Life, Commission Internationale pour l'Embellissement de la Vie Rurale, International Committee for the Improvement of the Amenities of Rural Life
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Founded: 19/7/1925
Sources: HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938


The Bureau of the Committee consists of a chairman, three vice-chairmen, and a secretary, who also acts as treasurer. (HB 1929) Le Bureau de la Commission est composé d'un président, de trois vice-présidents et d'un secrétaire, qui remplit en même temps les fonctions de trésorier. (HB 1936) The Bureau of the Committee consists of two Honorary Chairmen, a Chairman, six Vice-Chainnen, a Secretary-General, who also acts as Treasurer, and a Secretary. (HB 1938)


Relationships with other Organisations



To promote the improvement of country life by the exchange of information, the affiliation of associations pursuing the above objects; the encouragement of organisations and bureaux seeking to imrpove the conditions of country life in the different countries. (HB 1929) Promouvoir l'amélioration des conditions de la vie rurale par l'échange d'informations, l'affiliation des associations poursuivant le même but; les encouragements donnés aux organisations et bureaux s'occupant, dans les divers pays, de l'amélioration de la vie rurale. (HB 1936)


Members' subscriptions and donations. (HB 1929) Cotisations des membres et donations. (HB 1936)

General facts

The Committee was formed in 1925 in connection with the International Days organised by the Belgian National Committee for the Improvement of the Amenities of Country Life. It organised further International Days at Brussels in 1926. A congress was held at East Lansing, Michigan (United States of America) in 1927. (HB 1929) : La Commission fut créée le 19 juillet 1925 à l'occasion des Journées internationales organisées par la Commission nationale pour l'embellissement de la vie rurale de Belgique à Bruxelles. Elle organisa des nouvelles Journées internationales les 20 et 21 juillet 1926 à Bruxelles. Un congrès a eu lieu à East Lansing, Michigan (Etats-Unis d'Amérique), en 1927. (HB 1936) The Committee was formed on July 19th, 1925, in connection with the International Days organised by the Belgian National Committee for the Improvement of the Amenities of Country Life at Brussels. It organised further International Days at Brussels on July 20th and 21st, 1926. The Second Congress was held at East-Lansing, Michigan (United States of America) in 1927. International meetings were held at Luxemburg and Berne in August 1928; the Third Congress was organised at Budapest (Hungary) in 1929 ; the Fourth Congress took place at Liege (Belgium) in 1930; in 1931 a meeting of the Bureau was held at Prague on the occasion of the International Agricultural Congress; the Fifth Congress was held at Diekirch (Grand Duchy of Luxemburg) and at Brussels (Belgium) in 1935. (HB 1938)


A Review.


Organisation of congresses and International Days; an International Union for the Education of Country People by Scientific Films and Slides (abbreviated title: "Unionpor") has been formed. (HB 1929) Organisation de congrès et de journées internationales; création d'une Union internationale pour l'enseignement des populations rurales par des projections lumineuses scientifiques (par abréviation : « Unienpor »). (HB 1936) Organisation of congresses and International Days; investigation of present-day questions (rural exodus, improvement of welfare in the country). (HB 1938)
