International Academy of Diplomacy

International Academy of Diplomacy, Académie Diplomatique Internationale
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Founded: 1926
Sources: HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938


Le Bureau est composé comme suit: Le Comité exécutif est composé comme suit:


Members in these countries

HB 1929: Representatives of the following countries: HB 1936: Deux cents membres titulaires et quatre cents associés représentant soixante-treize Etats. HB 1938: Two hundred full members and four hundred associate members representing seventy-three States.
Albania (1929-1936) , Argentina (1929-1936) , Armenia (1929-1936) , Austria (1929-1936) , Belgium (1929-1936) , Bolivia (1929-1936) , Brazil (1929-1936) , Bulgaria (1929-1936) , Canada (1929-1936) , Chile (1929-1936) , China (1929-1936) , Colombia (1929-1936) , Costa Rica (1929-1936) , Cuba (1929-1936) , Czechoslovakia (1929-1936) , Denmark (1929-1936) , Ecuador (1929-1936) , Egypt (1929-1936) , Estonia (1929-1936) , Finland (1929-1936) , France (1929-1936) , Georgia (1929-1936) , Germany (1929-1936) , Greece (1929-1936) , Haiti (1929-1936) , Hungary (1929-1936) , India (1929-1936) , Italy (1929-1936) , Japan (1929-1936) , Kingdom of Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia (1929-1936) , Latvia (1929-1936) , Liberia (1929-1936) , Lithuania (1929-1936) , Luxembourg (1929-1936) , Mexico (1929-1936) , Netherlands (1929-1936) , Norway (1929-1936) , Paraguay (1929-1936) , Persia (1929-1936) , Peru (1929-1936) , Poland (1929-1936) , Portugal (1929-1936) , Romania (1929-1936) , Russia (1929-1936) , San Salvador (1929-1936) , South Africa (1929-1936) , Spain (1929-1936) , Sweden (1929-1936) , Switzerland (1929-1936) , Turkey (1929-1936) , United Kingdom (1929-1936) , United States of America (1929-1936) , Uruguay (1929-1936) , Venezuela (1929-1936) ,


HB 1929: To bring together people from all nations interested in international problems. HB 1936: L'Académie diplomatique internationale est une institution internationale fondée avec l'appui d'un grand nombre de Gouvernements et a pour objet de grouper les diplomates ainsi que les techniciens qualifiés de la diplomatie qui se proposent d'étudier eu commun des problèmes d'ordre international. HB 1938: The International Academy of Diplomacy is an international institution founded with the support of a large number of Governments. Its object is to bring together diplomats and qualified diplomatic experts who desire to study international problems together.


HB 1929: Members' subscriptions (50 gold francs per annum). HB 1936: Recettes: contributions des gouvernements et contributions des membres. HB 1938: Receipts: Contributions from Governments and from members.

General facts

The Academy was founded under the patronage of the "Fance-Amérique" Committee.


"Bulletin de l'Académie diplomatique internationale."


HB 1929: Conferences, publications, etc. HB 1936: L'Académie diplomatique a publié jusqu'à ce jour un Dictionnaire diplomatique et onze tomes de travaux. Elle se réunit tous les mois en sessions régulières et elle entend des communications faites par les diplomates, en séance privée. HB 1938: The Academy of Diplomacy has hitherto published a Diplomatic Dictionary and twenty-four volumes of proceedings. It holds regular monthly meetings and hears communications from diplomats in private.