The Hague: Netherlands
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People from this place
Bernard Cornelis Johannes Loder
Academy of International Law (Commission des finances) / International Intermediary Institute (President) / International Association for the Protection of Private Rights (President) / International Legal Institute (President) / LoN General Assembly: First Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate)
Wilhelmus Petrus Van Stockum
Permanent Bureau of the International Publishers' Congress (President)
Charles Joseph Marie Ruijs de Beerenbrouck
International Catholic League against Alcoholism (President)
Dr. J. Limburg
International Friendship Association (Vice President) / Federal Committee of European Co-Operation (Vice President) / International Federation of League of Nations Societies (Vice President) / LoN General Assembly: Fourth Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate) / LoN General Assembly: Fifth Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate) / LoN General Assembly: Sixth Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate) / LoN General Assembly: Seventh Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate) / LoN General Assembly: Eighth Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate) / LoN General Assembly: Ninth Ordinary Session of Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate) / LoN General Assembly: Tenth Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate) / LoN General Assembly: Eleventh Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate) / LoN General Assembly: Twelfth Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate) / LoN General Assembly: Thirteenth Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate) / LoN General Assembly: Fourteenth Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate) / LoN General Assembly: Fifteenth Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate) / LoN General Assembly: Sixteenth Ordinary Session of the Assembly, part one (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate) / LoN General Assembly: Seventeenth Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate) / LoN General Assembly: Eighteenth Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate)
J. W. van der Vegt
International Union of Tramways, Local Railways and Public Motor Transport (Member)
N. Strijbis
International Federation of Christian Factory, Transport, Food and Luxury Syndicates (Vice Chairman)
Prof. A. van Gijn
European Economic Union (President)
Christian Günther
European Economic Union (First Vice-President) / European Union (President)
D. Hauschner
European Economic Union (Secretary)
Dr. W. M. de Brauw
International Legal Institute (President)
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