International Anti-Militarist Bureau against War and Reaction (I.A.M.B.)

International Anti-Militarist Bureau against War and Reaction (I.A.M.B.), Bureau International Anti-Militariste contre la Guerre et la Réaction (B.I.A.), Bureau International Antimilitariste
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Founded: 31/3/1921
Sources: HB 1921, HB 1923, HB 1925, HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938


Executive Committee


Members in these countries

Several Organizations in the countries listed: total of 65.000 members (HB of 1921); total of 120.000 members (HB of 1923). total of 100.000 members (HB 1925, HB 1936)
Argentina (since 1925) , Austria (since 1921) , Belgium (since 1923) , Brazil (since 1923) , Denmark (since 1921) , France (since 1921) , Germany (since 1921) , Mexico (since 1925) , Netherlands (since 1921) , Norway (since 1923) , Portugal (since 1929) , Spain (since 1929) , Sweden (since 1921) , Switzerland (since 1923) , United Kingdom (since 1923) , United States of America (since 1929) ,



Travailler internationalement contre le militarisme afin de rendre impossible la guerre et l'oppression des classes travailleuses. To work internationally against militarism, with a view to making war and the oppression of classes and races impossible. (HB 1929) Travailler internationalement contre le militarisme afin de rendre impossible la guerre et l'oppression des classes travailleuses. (HB 1936) To work internationally against militarism, with a view to making war and the oppression of the working classes impossible. (HB 1938)


Cotisations des membres, dons. Members' subscription; gifts. (HB 1929)

General facts

premier Congrès à La Haye : (26 au 31 mars 1921); y étaient invités, des membres correspondants d'Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Bulgarie, Danemark, Espagne, États-Unis, France, Grande-Bretagne, Italie, Mexique, Norvège, Nouvelle-Zélande, Pays-Bas, Portugal, Suède, Suisse. Conférence à Berlin en janvier 1923 (HB 1923) Founded at the Third International Anti-Militarist Congress at The Hague in 1921 (the first I.A.M. Congress was in 1904, the second in 1907, at Amsterdam); International Conference at Berlin in 1923. (HB 1929)


Publication de circulaires en allemand, anglais, français, hollandais, espéranto. (HB 1925, 1936)


Congres internationaux anti-militaristes. Publication de circulaires en allemand, anglais, français et hollandais. International Anti-Militarist Congresses; publications in Dutch, English, Esperanto. French, German, Spanish, Swedish; international correspondence; organisation of anti-war actions; help for imprisoned conscientious objectors; opposition against compulsory military service, etc. (HB 1929) Congrès internationaux antimilitaristes ; publications en allemand, anglais, espagnol, esperanto, français, hollandais; correspondance internationale; organisation d'actions antimilitaristes; aide aux objecteurs de conscience emprisonnés; lutte contre le service militaire obligatoire, etc. (HB 1936) International Anti-Militarist Congresses, Publications in Dutch, English, French, German, Spanish and Esperanto. International correspondence. Organisation of anti-war action. Assistance to imprisoned conscientious objectors. Campaign against compulsory military service, etc. (HB 1938)
