Zurich: Switzerland
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People from this place
John Syz-Schindler
International Federation of Master Cotton Spinners' and Manufacturers Associations (Vice President) / International Federation of Master Cotton Spinners' and Manufacturers Associations (President)
Dr. Franck
Institut International pour l'Étude des Causes et de la Prophylaxie des Maladies Mentales (Secretary General)
Fritz Wenger
Ligue pour la Défense de l’Humanité (General Secretary) / League for the Organisation of Progress (Secretary)
Prof. Alfred de Quervain
International Committee for Investigations on the Sound of Explosions (President)
August Traber-Amiel
Société Internationale du Club du la Danse (President)
Paul Marx
International Legal Translation Bureau (Member)
Dr. Karl Moser
International Congress on Modern Architecture (President)
Dr. S. Giedion
International Congress on Modern Architecture (Member) / International Congress on Modern Architecture (Secretary General)
Dr. Leonhard Ragaz
International Union of Religious Socialists (President)
Eugène Blum
International Association for the Protection of Industrial Property (Secretary General)
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