International Society for Microbiology

International Society for Microbiology , Internationale Gesellschaft für Mikrobiologie, Société Internationale de Microbiologie
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Founded: 1930
Sources: HB 1931, HB 1936


A Central Committee composed of the Society's officers, the members of the Permanent Commission and the Presidents of the National Committees or Sections. (HB 1931) Un Comité central composé des membres du Bureau de la Société, des membres de la Commission permanente et des présidents des Comités nationaux ou sections nationales. Composition du Bureau : (HB 1936)


Members in these countries

Comités nationaux dans les pays suivants : (HB 1936)
Argentina (since 1931) , Austria (since 1931) , Belgium (since 1931) , Brazil (since 1931) , Bulgaria (since 1931) , Chile (since 1931) , China (since 1931) , Czechoslovakia (since 1931) , Denmark (since 1931) , France (since 1931) , Germany (since 1931) , Greece (since 1931) , Hungary (since 1931) , India (since 1931) , Italy (since 1931) , Japan (since 1931) , Norway (since 1931) , Poland (since 1931) , Portugal (since 1931) , Romania (since 1931) , Spain (since 1931) , Sweden (since 1931) , Switzerland (since 1931) , Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (since 1931) , United Kingdom (since 1931) , United States of America (since 1931) , Yugoslavia (since 1931) ,


To promote scientific activity; to proclaim the conviction of its members that science should unite the nations in an ideal of immutable peace and constant solidarity. (HB 1931) la production scientifique; affirmer la conviction de ses membres que la science doit unir les nations dans un idéal de paix inaltérable et de constante solidarité. (HB 1936)


A three-yearly Congress, the proceedings of which are published. A bulletin will probably be published. (HB 1931) Un congrès triennal, dont les comptes rendus sont publiés. Un Bulletin sera vraisemblablement publié. (HB 1936)
