International Fellowship of Reconciliation

International Fellowship of Reconciliation, Internationaler Versöhnungsbund, La Réconciliation, Mouvement International de la Réconciliation
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Founded: 1914
Sources: HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938


International Council of fifteen members, delegates from the different countries. International Executive Committee elected by the Council.


Members in these countries

Individual members in many countries, associated groups and correspondents in the following countries (HB 1929) Branches nationales en (HB 1936) National branches in (HB 1938)
Australia (since 1929) , Austria (1929-1936) , Belgium (since 1929) , Canada (1929-1936) , China (since 1929) , Czechoslovakia (since 1929) , Denmark (since 1929) , Estonia (since 1929) , Finland (since 1929) , France (since 1929) , Germany (1929-1936) , Greece (1929-1936) , India (since 1936) , Italy (1929-1936) , Japan (since 1929) , Kingdom of Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia (1929-1936) , Latvia (1929-1936) , Malaysia (since 1936) , Netherlands (since 1929) , New Zealand (1929-1936) , Norway (since 1929) , Sweden (since 1929) , Switzerland (since 1929) , Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (1929-1936) , United Kingdom (since 1929) , United States of America (since 1929) ,



The movement is a worldwide fellowship of men and women without distinction of race, nationality or class. It is based on radical Christian pacifist principles and has as its aim the realisation of a new social, economic and political order in which war, violence, hatred and suppression of every kind will not prevail. (HB 1929) Pénétrer les relations sociales et internationales de l'esprit d'amour de Jésus-Christ. (HB 1936) To imbue social and international relations with the loviner spirit of Jesus. (HB 1938)


Contributions from national sections and individuals. Annual budget, £3,700. (HB 1929) Contributions des branches nationales et dons individuels. (HB 1936) Subscriptions from national branches and contributions from individuals. (HB 1938)

General facts

The movement was founded shortly after the outbreak of the war in 1914 and spread to America in 1916. At the International Conference in Bilthofen, Holland. October 1919, the International Movement was founded as a federation of the various national groups. (HB 1929) En Angleterre, la Fellowship of Reconciliation prit naissance à la fin de 1914. Elle s'étendit en 1915 à l'Amérique du Nord. Après le vote des lois de conscription, plusieurs centaines de ses membres devinrent « conscientious objectors ». La guerre finie, 2.000 enfants de Vienne furent hébergés pendant un an à Londres et dans les environs. Des conférences nationales, internationales, eurent lieu régulièrement chaque année. Des congrès plus limités furent tenus aux points dangereux de l'Europe (confins franco-allemands, germano-polonais, etc.). En 1932, une grande «croisade de la jeunesse pour le désarmement » fut menée à travers la France, la Belgique, la Hollande, l'Allemagne et la Suisse, jusqu'à Genève, où les délégués de divers pays européens et de l'Amérique remirent une adresse à M. Henderson. (HB 1936) The Fellowship of Reconciliation was founded in England at the end of 1914 and spread to North America in 1915. After the Conscription Laws were passed several hundreds of its members became conscientious objectors. When the war was over 2,000 children from Vienna were offered hospitality for a year in or near London. National or international conferences were held regularly each year. Smaller Congresses met at the danger-points of Europe (Franco-German, German-Polish frontiers, etc.). In 1932 a big 'Youth Crusade for Disarmament' was conducted through France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and Switzerland, finally reaching Geneva, where the delegates of various European and American countries presented an address to Mr. Henderson. (HB 1938)


Besides various national magazines, the movement publishes a monthly Bulletin in English (international News Sheet), French (Cahier de la Réconciliation), German (Monatsblatt des Versôhnungsbundes). (HB 1929) En anglais : Reconciliation, 17, Red Lion Square, Londres, W.C.I; Fellowship, 2929 Broadway, New York City. En français : Les Cahiers de la Réconciliation, 121, boulevard Edouard-Vaillant, à Aubervilliers. Autres publications : « Towards a Christian International », par L. Stevenson; existe aussi en allemand et en français. (HB 1936) In English: Reconciliation , 17, Red Lion Square, London, W.C.I.; Fellowship , 2929 Broadway, New York City. In French: Les Cahiers de la Reconciliation , 121, boulevard Edouard-Vaillant, Aubervilliers, Other publications: Towards a Christian International , by L . Stevenson ; also published i n German and French. (HB 1938)


(1) The movement carries out its object by individual propaganda, meetings, missionary tours, mediation in times of political and industrial conflicts (Ireland, Ruhr, Nicaragua, China, India), reconciliation work in especially dangerous zones, by political action, education and literary publications. It holds an international conference every second year (1919-20 Bilthoven, Holland, 1922 Sonntagsberg, 1924 Bad Boll, 1926 Oberammergau). (2) Regional conferences (Franco-German, Baltic, Polish-German, Balkans). (3) International Youth Camps (1927 Vaumarcus, 1928 Sandwich). Leader Schools. (HB 1929) Conférences, publications trimestrielles. (HB 1936) Conferences, quarterly publications. (HB 1938)
