Permanent International Conference of Private Organisations for the Protection of Migrants
Permanent International Conference of Private Organisations for the Protection of Migrants, Conférence Permanente Internationale des Organisations Privées pour la Protection des Migrants
Founded: 1925
HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938
The Executive Committee, which consists of fifteen members.(HB 1929)
Comité exécutif, composé de quinze membres. (HB 1936)
The Executive Committee, which consists of fifteen members. Composition of the Bureau: (HB 1938)
Relationships with other Organisations
this organisation
(Permanent International Conference of Private Organisations for the Protection of Migrants)
under the auspices of
International Labour Office
Members in these countries
Sixty-five private organisations for the protection of migrants in the following countries (HB 1929):
Environ quarante associations privées s'occupant de la protection des migrants en (HB 1936)
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
(since 1936)
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
(since 1936)
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
United Kingdom
(since 1929)
United States of America
(since 1929)
HB 1929; To promote international co-operation for the protection and welfare of migrants.
HB 1936: Favoriser la collaboration internationale dans le domaine de la protection des migrants.
HB 1938: To promote international co-operation for the protection of migrants-Members: About forty private organisations for the protection of migrants in Austria, Belgium, Brazil, United Kingdom, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Poland, Spain, Switzerland and United States of America.
HB 1929: Subscriptions from affiliated associations.
HB 1936: Budget 1935; 1.200 francs; recettes : cotisations des associations membres et dons.
HB 1938: Subscriptions from member associations, donations.
General facts
HB 1929: In 1924, certain organisations met on several occasions under the auspices of the International Labour Office, and formed an International Committee of Private Organisations for the Protection of Migrants. In view of the need for a permanent organisation, the Committee convened the first session of the International Conference in September 1925. Since then, a session has been held each year in Geneva, at the beginning of September. During the fifth session, September 1928, statutes in accordance with Swiss legislation were adopted.
HB 1936: En 1924, certaines organisations privées se sont réunies à plusieurs reprises sous les auspices du Bureau international du Travail et ont formé le Comité international des Organisations privées pour la Protection des Migrants.
[?) la nécessité d'une organisation permanente, le Comité s'est transformé en une Conférence internationale, dont la première session annuelle a eu Heu en septembre 1925. L'adoption des statuts actuellement en vigueur date de septembre 1928.
HB 1938: In 1924, certain organisations met on several occasions under the auspices of. the International Labour Office, and formed an International Committee of Private Organisations for the Protection of Migrants. In view of the need for a permanent organisation, the Committee was transformed into an International Conference, the first annual session of which was held in September 1925. The statutes at present in force were adopted in September 1928.
HB 1929: L'inspection des emigrants à bord des navires, 1926; Vaux formules par les Associations-membres au sujet du programme de travail futur de la Conférence, 1926 ; Separation of Families of Migrants, 1926; Annuaire international des Organisations privées pour la Protection des Migrants.
HB 1936: Périodiques: le Bulletin, paraissant, en principe, chaque mois. Non périodiques et de date récente : Annuaire de la Conférence permanente internationale pour la Protection des Migrants, Genève 1932 ; «La Conférence internationale pour la Protection des Migrants, ses résultats, son programme», Genève 1932.
HB 1938: Periodicals: the Bulletin which, in principle, appears each month. Non-periodicals of recent date: Year-Book of the Permanent International Conference for the Protection of Migrants, Geneva 1932; The International Conference for the Protection ofMigrants, its Results, its Programme, Geneva 1932.
HB 1929: Study of international questions regarding the protection of migrants ; annual conference to discuss questions of interest to the member-associations, to make recommendations and take action whenever necessary. The Conference has dealt with the following subjects: Protection of migrants at ports and on board ship; inspection of migrants on board ship ; separation of families of migrants in various countries, etc.
HB 1936: Chaque année, au mois de septembre, la Conférence se réunit en Assemblée générale, tandis que le Comité exécutif a plusieurs séances par an. La Conférence a étudié, entre autres, les questions suivantes: Protection des migrants aux ports maritimes; inspection des migrants à bord des navires ; séparation des familles ; pensions alimentaires aux membres de famille restant au pays d'origine; suppression des bureaux de placement payants ; recrutement et placement des travailleurs étrangers ; rapatriement ; colonisation en pays d'outre-mer; assistance aux étrangers indigents, etc.
HB 1938: Each year, in September, the Conference meets in a General Assembly, while the Executive Committee ha* several sessions in the year. The Conference has studied, among other things, the following questions: Protection of migrants at maritime ports ; inspection of migrants on board ship; separation of families; alimentary pensions to members of a family remaining in the country of origin; suppression of payment employment bureaux; recruiting and placing of foreign workers; repatriation; colonisation of oversea countries; assistance to indigent foreigners, etc.