International Federation of Associations of Hardware Merchants and Ironmongers

International Federation of Associations of Hardware Merchants and Ironmongers , Fédération Internationale des Associations de Quincaillers et Marchands de Fer
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Founded: 1909
Sources: HB 1938


Secretary-General. Executive Committee: Chairman: The Chairman of the Association responsible for organising the next Conference and two members elected by the Conference.


Members in these countries

The affiliated associations of hardware merchants and ironmongers of the following countries. Each association sends three members as delegates to the Conferences.
Austria , Belgium , Czechoslovakia , Denmark , Finland , France , Germany , Hungary , Italy , Luxembourg , Netherlands , Norway , Sweden , Switzerland , United Kingdom ,



Exchange of information and statistics. Joint study of social, economic and financial questions of interest to the corporation. Co-ordination of the work of the affiliated associations with a view to a steady improvement in the relations between producers and distributors. Maintenance of friendly relations between the members of the federated associations.


Variable annual subscription of the affiliated associations.

General facts

The Federation, which was founded in 1909, has held meetings at Paris, 1909; Bournemouth, 1909; Brussels, 1909; Amsterdam, 1910; Mayence, 1911; Nancy, 1912; Ghent, 1913; Berne, 1914; Luxemburg, 1930; Zurich, 1932; Brussels, I935 * Petersberg-Konigswinter, 1936; Wiesbaden, 1937.


Records of the Conferences (special publications). Constant circulation of information concerning the Federation in the Review of the French Metallurgical Federation, Paris, under the direction of the General Secretary and in the trade reviews of all the affiliated associations.


Constant exchange of information. Conferences (every two years as a general rule) in each country in turn.
