Postal Union of the Americas and Spain: International Office of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain

Postal Union of the Americas and Spain: International Office of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain, Union Postale des Amériques et de l'Espagne: Office International de l'Union Postale des Amériques et de l'Espagne, Union Postal de las Américas y España: Officina International de la Union Postal de las Américas y España
Mark for connection search

Founded: 1911
Sources: HB 1936, HB 1938



Relationships with other Organisations

Members in these countries

Argentina (since 1936) , Bolivia (since 1936) , Brazil (since 1936) , Canada (since 1936) , Chile (since 1936) , Colombia (since 1936) , Costa Rica (since 1936) , Cuba (since 1936) , Dominican Republic (since 1936) , Ecuador (since 1936) , El Salvador (since 1936) , Guatemala (since 1936) , Haiti (since 1936) , Honduras (since 1936) , Mexico (since 1936) , Nicaragua (since 1936) , Panama (since 1936) , Paraguay (since 1936) , Peru (since 1936) , Spain (since 1936) , United States of America (since 1936) , Uruguay (since 1936) , Venezuela (since 1936) ,



En 1931, au Congrès de Madrid, elle a reçu le nom de : « Union postale des Amériques et de l'Espagne ». But : Exercer une action solidaire pour la défense des intérêts des pays qui en font partie, au sein des congrès postaux universels ; coordonner, améliorer et faciliter le service des échanges postaux des pays contractant. (HB 1936) Joint action in the interest of the countries belonging to the Union, within the frame-work of the World Postal Congresses; to co-ordinate, improve and facilitate the postal exchange services of the contracting countries. (HB 1938)


Budget annuel de 13.000 pesos-or uruguayens. Les dépenses sont assumées par les administrations des pays qui composent l'Union. (HB 1936) Annual budget of 13,000 Uruguayan gold pesos. Expenses are provided for by the Governments of the countries belonging to lie Union. (HB 1938) Annual budget of 13,000 Uruguayan gold pesos. Expenses are provided for by the Governments of the countries belonging to the Union. (HB 1938)


Actes des Congrès, textes des conventions, accords et règlements; circulaires et brochures concernant les questions postales hispano-américaines. (HB 1936) Acts of Congresses, texts of Conventions, agreements and regu-lations ; circulars and pamphlets on Spanish-American postal questions. (HB 1938) Acts of Congresses, texts of Conventions, agreements and regulations; circulars and pamphlets on Spanish-American postal questions. (HB 1938)


Organisation des congrès postaux hispano-américains; documentation, Publication et communication de renseignements sur les services postaux internationaux ; rôle consultatif dans des questions litigieuses, etc. (HB 1936) Organisation of Spanish-American Postal Congresses; compilation, publication and communication of information concerning international postal services; advice on litigious questions, etc. (HB 1938)
