Montevideo: Uruguay
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People from this place
Paulina Luisi
International Women Suffrage Alliance (Vice President) / Open Door International for the Economic Emancipation of the Woman Worker (Member of a Committee) / LoN General Assembly: Special Session of the Assembly Convened in Virtue of Article 15 of the Covenant at the Request of the Chinese Government (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate)
Julian Nogueira
LoN Mandates Section (LoN Member of Section) / LoN Information Section (LoN Member of Section) / LoN Political Section (LoN Member of Section) / The Correspondent Office, League of Nations (Corresponding Member) / LoN General Assembly: Twentieth Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate) / LoN General Assembly: Twentieth (Conclusion) and Twenty-first Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate)
Gustavo Pittaluga
LoN Health Section (LoN Expert/Specialist)
E. Legrand
International Central Esperanto Committee (Member)
Don Emilio Milhas
Postal Union of the Americas and Spain: International Office of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain (Director of the Central Office)
Mary Elisabeth Waters Poole
Organisations from this place
Congresses in this place