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North and Central America
People from this place
Marîa Valle de Rodrîguez
Inter-American Commission of Women (Member of a Commission)
Dr. Ricardo Alduvin
Pan-American Geographical and Historical Institute (Substitute Members)
Mario Ribas
LoN Information Section (LoN Correspondent)
Luis Alonso Baeter
LoN General Assembly: Fifteenth Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate)
Julian Lopez Pineda
LoN General Assembly: Sixteenth Ordinary Session of the Assembly, part one (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate)
Miguel Paz Baraona
LoN General Assembly: Sixteenth Ordinary Session of the Assembly, part one (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate)
Froylan Turcios
LoN General Assembly: Tenth Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate)
Represented by
Has Members in these organisations
- International Bureau for the Publication of Customs Tariffs, Bureau International Pour la Publication des Tarifs Douaniers
- International Bureau of Commercial Statistics, Bureau International de Statistique Commerciale
- Office International Centro-Américain, Oficina Internacional Centro-Americana
- Office of the American International Union for the Protection of Trade-Marks, Office de l'Union Internationale Américaine pour la Protection des Marques de Fabrique et de Commerce , Oficina de la Union Internacional Americana para la Proteccion de las Marcas de Fabrica y de Comercio, Bureau Interaméricain de marques
- International Commission for Instruction in Agriculture, Commission Internationale de l'Enseignement Agricole
- International Commission for the Decennial Revision of the International Lists of Diseases and Causes of Death, Commission Internationale pour la Revision Décennale des Nomenclatures Nosologiques
- International Police Conference, Conférence Internationale de Police
- Pan-American Scientific Congress, Congrès Scientifique Pan-Américain
- International Union against Cancer, Internationale Vereinigung für Krebsbekämpfung, Union Internationale contre le Cancer, Unione Internazionale contro il Cancro, Union Internacional contra el Cancer
- Inter-American Commission of Women, Commission Interaméricaine des Femmes
Complete List