International Federation of Christian Trade Unions of Textile Workers

International Federation of Christian Trade Unions of Textile Workers, Internationaler Bund Christlicher Textilarbeiterverbände, Fédération Internationale des Syndicats Chrétiens des Ouvriers des Textiles, Fédération Internationale des Syndicats Chrétiens de l'Industrie Textile
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Founded: 1900
Sources: HB 1921, HB 1923, HB 1925, HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938



Members in these countries

HB 1921/23: 190.880 members HB 1925: 213.637 members. HB 1929: National associations in the following countries:
Austria (1929-1936) , Belgium (since 1929) , Czechoslovakia (since 1929) , France (since 1929) , Germany (1929-1936) , Netherlands (since 1929) , Switzerland (since 1929) ,



To organise Christian workers in the textile industry on an international basis. (HB 1929) Organiser sur un plan international les ouvriers chrétiens de l'industrie textile. (HB 1936) To organise Christian textile workers on international lines. (HB 1938)


Members' subscriptions fixed at 7 per cent of a weaver's hourly wages in the chief towns of the countries concerned per member affiliated to the Union on January 31st of each year. (HB 1929) Cotisations des membres, fixées à 1.500 francs belges par au et par organisation, plus 10 centimes par membre et par an. (HB 1936) Members' subscriptions fixed at 1,800 Belgian francs annually for each organisation, plus 13 centimes per member every year. (HB 1938)

General facts

The last international congresses were held in 1921 (Dusseldorf), 1924 (Strasburg) and 1926 (Antwerp). (HB 1929) Les derniers congrès internationaux ont été tenus en 1921 (Dusseldorf), 1924 (Strasbourg), 1926 (Anvers), 1929 (Vienne), 1934 (Lucerne). (HB 1936)
