Utrecht: Netherlands
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People from this place
Dr. A. de Graaf
International Abolitionist Federation (President)
Petrus Josephus Servatius Serrarens
Fédération Internationale des Syndicats Ouvriers Chrétiens (Secretary) / International Federation of Christian Trades Unions (Secretary)
H. Amelink
International Federation of Christian Trades Unions (Treasurer) / International Federation of Workmen's Evangelical Associations (Secretary)
Prof. Went
International Union for Biological Sciences (Vice President) / International Council of Scientific Unions (Member of a Committee) / International Research Council (Member) / International Union for Biological Sciences (President)
Hugo Rudolph Kruyt
International Union of Chemistry (Vice President)
Prof. Ernst Cohen
International Committee for the Publication of Annual Tables of Chemical, Physical, Biological and Technological Constants (Member of a Committee) / International Union of Chemistry (Former President)
European Federation of Soroptimist Clubs (Secretary-Treasurer)
J. A. Schaafsma
International Federation of Christian Workers in the Building Trade and of Woodworkers (Secretary)
Willem Herman Johan van Asch van Wijck
LoN Distribution of Documents (LoN Assistant Head of Section) / LoN Distribution of Documents (LoN Head of Section) / LoN Administrative and Minorities Section (LoN Member of Section) / LoN Under Secretary-Generals' in charge of Internal Administration Office (LoN Member of Section) / LoN Under Secretary-Generals' in charge of Internal Administration Office (LoN Member of Section) / LoN Department I (Department of General Affairs) (LoN Member of Section)
Jan van Waltré de Bordes
LoN Financial Section & Economic Intelligence Service (LoN Member of Section) / LoN Financial Section & Economic Intelligence Service (LoN Member of Section)
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