International Federation of Journalists
International Federation of Journalists, Fédération Internationale des Journalistes (F.I.J.)
Founded: 13/5/1926
HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938
To improve in every way the material and moral conditions of the profession as they affect journalists throughout the world. (HB 1929)
Toute action tendant à améliorer les conditions matérielles et morales d'exercice de la profession dans ce qu'elles ont de commun aux journalistes du monde entier (HB 1936).
To improve in every way the material and moral conditions of the profession as they affect journalists throughout the world (HB 1938).
Income: subscriptions from adhering bodies. (HB 1929)
Cotisations des membres (HB 1936).
Income: subscriptions from members (HB 1938).
General facts
The Federation held a Constituent Assembly in Paris in May 1926, a Congress at Geneva in September 1926 and a meeting of its Executive Committee in November 1926. Since then its Executive Committee has met in Vienna, Paris and Cologne. Its Second Congress was held at Dijon in November 1928. (HB 1929)
La Fédération a tenu son Assemblée constitutive à Paris en mai 1926, un congrès à Genève en septembre 1926 et une réunion de son Comité exécutif en novembre 1926. Depuis, des réunions ont eu lieu dans de nombreuses villes d'Europe, les dernières à Bruxelles (octobre 1934) et à Helsinki (juillet 1935). (HB 1936)
The Federation held a Constituent Assembly in Paris in May 1926, a Congress at Geneva in September 1926 and a meeting of its Executive Committee in November 1926. Since then meetings have taken place in numerous European cities, the most recent at Brussels (October 1934), at Helsingfors (July 1935) and at Berne (August 1936). (HB 1938)
Translations of publications and documents concerning conditions affecting journalists. (HB 1929)
Traductions de publications et de documents concernant la condition des journalistes. (HB 1936)
Translations of publications and documents concerning conditions affecting journalists. (HB 1938)