Helsinki: Finland
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People from this place
Baronne S. Mannerheim
International Council of Nurses (President)
Dr. Benj. Frosterus
International Society of Soil Science (Vice President)
Prof. Dr. Aimo Kaarlo Cajander
International Federation of Agricultural Brainworkers (Member of a Committee)
Olavi Tapio Voionmaa
International Labour Office (LoN Member of Section) / LoN Financial Section & Economic Intelligence Service (LoN Member of Section)
Professor K.R. Brotehuus
LoN Information Section (LoN Temporary Collaborator) / LoN Information Section (LoN Temporary Collaborator)
Dr. Jyŏ Ruutu
LoN Information Section (LoN Temporary Collaborator)
E. von Frenckell
International Association Football Federation (Vice President)
Otto Hillerstrom
M. E. Koskirnies
International Criminal Police Commission (Rapporteur)
Paul Otto Immanuel Hjelt
LoN Internal Control (LoN Assistant Control Officer) / LoN Political Section (LoN Specialist) / LoN General Assembly: Twelfth Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate) / LoN General Assembly: Thirteenth Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate) / LoN General Assembly: Fourteenth Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate) / LoN General Assembly: Fifteenth Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate) / LoN General Assembly: Special Session of the Assembly Convened for the Purpose of Considering the Request of the Kingdom of Egypt for Admission to the League of Nations (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate) / LoN General Assembly: Eighteenth Ordinary Session of the Assembly (League of Nations General Assembly Delegate)
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