International Technical Committee of Legal Experts on Air Questions

International Technical Committee of Legal Experts on Air Questions, Comité International Technique d'Experts Juridiques Aériens (C.I.T.E.J.A.)
Mark for connection search

Founded: 1926
Sources: HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938


A Chairman is elected at the annual session. The Vice-Presidents are the Presidents of the Commissions constituted by the Committee.
  • Laurent Eynac Chairman (President) 1929-1936 / Honorary Chairman (President) 1936
  • Sudre General Secretary (Secretary General) 1929


Members in these countries

The governments of the following countries:
Argentina (since 1929) , Austria (since 1929) , Belgium (since 1929) , Brazil (since 1929) , China (since 1938) , Colombia (since 1929) , Czechoslovakia (since 1929) , Denmark (since 1929) , Dominican Republic (since 1929) , Egypt (since 1929) , France (since 1929) , Germany (since 1929) , Greece (since 1929) , Guatemala (since 1929) , Hungary (since 1929) , Italy (since 1929) , Japan (since 1929) , Kingdom of Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia (1929-1936) , Lithuania (since 1929) , Luxembourg (since 1929) , Mexico (since 1929) , Netherlands (since 1929) , Norway (since 1938) , Peru (since 1929) , Poland (since 1929) , Portugal (since 1938) , Romania (since 1929) , Spain (since 1929) , Sweden (since 1929) , Switzerland (since 1929) , Turkey (since 1929) , Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (since 1929) , United Kingdom (since 1929) , United States of America (since 1929) , Yugoslavia (since 1936) ,



HB 1929: To study and prepare draft international conventions with it view to the gradual unification of private international law on air questions. HB 1936: Etude et préparation de projets de conventions internationales en vue de l'unification progressive du droit international privé aérien. HB 1938: To study and prepare draft international conventions with a view to the gradual unification of private international law on air questions.


HB 1929: Annual contribution of 1,000 gold francs from each of the member Governments. Expenditure, about 31.000 gold francs. HB 1936: Cotisation annuelle de 1.000 francs-or versée par chacun des gouvernements adhérents. Dépenses : 34.000 francs-or environ. HB 1938: Annual contribution of 1,000 gold francs from each of the member Governments. Expenditure, about 34,000 gold francs.

General facts

HB 1929: The Committee was formed in consequence of a resolution passed by the Conference on Private Law affecting Air Questions, which was held at Paris in October 1925, forty-five countries being represented. First session of the Committee, Paris, May 1926: second, Paris, April 1927: third, Madrid, May 1928. HB 1936: Constitué sur l'initiative du Gouvernement français à la suite d'un vœu de la première conférence de droit privé aérien tenue à Paris en octobre 1925 ; deuxième conférence de droit privé, Varsovie, octobre 1929; troisième conférence, Rome, mai 1933. Sessions annuelles du Comité: première session, Paris 1926; deuxième, Paris 1927; troisième, Madrid 1928; quatrième, Paris 1929; cinquième, Budapest 1930; sixième, Paris 1931; septième, Stockholm 1932; huitième, 1933. HB 1938: The Committee was formed in consequence of a resolution passed by the Conference on Private Law affecting Air Questions, which was held at Paris in October 1925; Second Conference on Private Law, Warsaw, October 1929; Third Conference, Rome, May 1933. First session of the Committee, Paris, May 1926; second, Paris, April 1927; third, Madrid, May 1928, fourth Paris 1929; fifth, Budapest 1930; sixth, Paris 1931; seventh, Stockholm 1932; eighth, London 1933; ninth, Berlin 1934, tenth, The Hague 1935; eleventh, Berne 1936.


Annual Report on the Session/Compte rendu annuel de la session.


HB 1929: The Committee has divided the study of questions of private law affecting the air among four internal commissions, which meet twice yearly. The Committee holds an annual plenary session. HB 1936: Le Comité a réparti l'étude des questions de droit privé aérien en quatre Comités. HB 1938: The Committee has divided the study of questions of private law affecting the air among four internal commissions, which meet twice yearly. The Committee holds an annual plenary session.
