International Federation of Employees in Public and Civil Services

International Federation of Employees in Public and Civil Services, Internationale Föderation der Beamten, Angestellten und Arbeiter der Öffentlichen Dienste, Fédération Internationale des Fonctionnaires et du Personnel des Services Publics, Internationell Federation for Tjenestemaend og Personale I Offentlige Tjeneste
Mark for connection search

Founded: 1935
Sources: HB 1938



Relationships with other Organisations

Members in these countries

Organisations in the following countries. Membership on January 1st, 1937 : 411,478.
Belgium , Czechoslovakia , Denmark , Finland , France , Irish Free State , Netherlands , Norway , Poland , Spain , Sweden , Switzerland , United Kingdom ,



To protect the economic and social interests of employees in public and civil services; to promote co-operation between employees in public and civil services in the campaign against the capitalistic exploitation of labour; to promote the international solidarity of the working class.


Income is derived from the subscriptions of the National Organisations.

General facts

The International Federation of Employees in Public and Civil Services is the outcome of the fusion of the International Federation of Employees in Public Services and of the International Federation of Officials, at the Copenhagen Congress in 1935. The new organisation was founded at that Congress in July 1935. The Foundation Congress of the International Federation of Public Services was held on August 26th-27th, 1907, at Stuttgart. Various Congresses have been held since : iu 1910, at Copenhagen; in 1913, at Zurich. The Federation's activities were interrupted by the War, but it was reconstituted at the Congress of October 1919 at Amsterdam. Several Congresses have been held since: at Brussels in 1923, at Berlin in 1925, at Stockholm in 1929, in London in 1932, at Copenhagen in 1935. The international Federation of Officials was founded in Paris in 1925.


Every six weeks, an international Bulletin published in four languages.


Meetings of the Officers (several times a year), of the Executive Committee (at least once a year), of the Congress (every three years).
