Copenhagen: Denmark
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People from this place
Cai Ditlev Hegermann-Lindencrone
International People's College (President)
Peter Manniche
International People's College (General Secretary) / The International Peoples College (Director) / International People's College (Director) / International People's College (Director General)
Chr. Sass
The Baltic and White Sea Conference (Vice President)
Charles H. Williams
International Council of Nurses (President) / World Federation of Education Associations (Secretary-Treasurer) / World Federation of Education Associations (Secretary)
Ove Meyer
Federal Committee of European Co-Operation (Treasurer)
H. M. Christensen
International Union of Hairdressers (Member) / International Union of Hairdressers (President)
Chr. Sorrensen
International Federation of General Factory Workers (Secretary)
Julie Arenholt
International Women Suffrage Alliance (Member of a Committee)
Dr. C. Wesenberg-Lund
International Office for the Protection of Nature (Administrator)
Kai Nörregaard
International Union of Tramways, Local Railways and Public Motor Transport (Member)
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