International Federation of Business and Professional Women

International Federation of Business and Professional Women, Association Internationale des Femmes dans les Affaires et les Carrières Libérales
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Founded: 1930
Sources: HB 1931, HB 1936, HB 1938


Board of Directors consisting of the officers of the Internationale Federation and one representative from each of the affiliated countries. A Governing Body consisting of the members of the Bureau of the International Federation (President, four Vice-Presidents, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer) and one representative of each of the affiliated countries; also Chairmen of standing committees. (HB 1938)


Relationships with other Organisations

Members in these countries

National organisations
Argentina (since 1936) , Australia (since 1936) , Austria (since 1931) , Belgium (since 1936) , Canada (since 1931) , Czechoslovakia (since 1931) , Estonia (since 1938) , Finland (since 1931) , France (since 1931) , Germany (since 1936) , Hungary (since 1931) , India (since 1936) , Italy (since 1931) , Korea (since 1936) , Netherlands (since 1936) , New Zealand (since 1938) , Norway (since 1931) , Palestine (since 1938) , Poland (since 1936) , Romania (since 1936) , Spain (1936-1938) , Sweden (since 1931) , Switzerland (since 1936) , United Kingdom (since 1936) , United States of America (since 1931) ,



To promote friendly relations between the business and professional women of all countries; to co-operate in regard to their common interests; to work for high standards of service to their communities and to all nations.(HB 1931) Favoriser l'établissement de relations amicales entre les femmes qui sont dans les affaires ou qui suivent une carrière libérale, dans tous les pays; collaborer à la défense de leurs intérêts communs; établir un haut idéal de service envers la collectivité et les autres pays. (HB 1936) To promote friendly relations between business and professional women in all countries; to collaborate in safeguarding their common interests ; to establish a high ideal of service to society and to other countries. (HB 1938)


Membership fees and gifts (HB 1931) Cotisations des membres et dons (HB 1936)

General facts

The International Federation is an outgrowth of the "Goodwill Tours" of the National Federation of Business and Professional Women´s Clubs of the US, begun in 1928 and continuing annually. In 1930, a conference was called at Geneva, leading to that organisation. (HB 1931) Le mouvement qui a groupé et organisé les femmes dans les affaires et dans les carrières libérales a commencé, il y a environ quinze ans, au Canada, en Australie et aux Etats-Unis d'Amérique. En 1919, il s'est constitué aux Etats-Unis une Fédération nationale qui, en 1928, comptait environ 50.000 membres. S'efforçant de développer ses relations internationales, l'organisation américaine a envoya en Europe, à diverses reprises, des groupes de femmes dans les affaires et dans les carrières libérales pour y rencontrer des femmes exerçant des professions analogues et, en 1930, s'est tenue à Genève (Suisse) une conférence au cours de laquelle la Fédération internationale des femmes dans les affaires et les carrières libérales a été fondée; elle comprenait alors des organisations dans cinq pays. Au Ier juin 1935, elle comptait parmi ses membres des organisations nationales de 22 pays.(HB 1936) The movement, which brought together and organised business and professional women, began about fifteen years ago, in Canada, Australia and the United States of America. In 1919, a National Federation was set up in the United States. In 1937 there were about 62,000 members. In an attempt to develop its international relations, the American organisation has sent groups of business and professional women to Europe on several occasions to meet women doing similar work there. In 1930 a Conference was held at Geneva (Switzerland), during which the International Federation of Business and Professional Women was founded. It then consisted of organisations in five countries. In January 1937, its members came from the national organisations of twenty-four countries. (HB 1938)


"Widening Horizons", quarterly bulletin (HB 1931) Widening Horizons (bulletin mensuel en français, eu anglais et en allemand). Indépendant V/oman (publication mensuelle des Etats-Unis). Canadian Business and Professional Woman (publication mensuelle). Autres publications : a) « Earnings of Women in Business and the Professions », étude sur environ 14.000 membres de la fédération, prix : 1,25 dollar, vendu au Bureau of Business Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan; b) « The Age Factor as it relates to Women in Business and the Professions », d'après des renseignements reçus de 20.000 membres de la Fédération en 1931 (N° 117 du Women's Bureau Bulletin, vendu par l'Office of Superintendent of Documents, Washington, B.C., prix 10 cents) ; c) « Women and their Careers », par Anne Hendry Morrison, complète «The Age Factor », etc., et comprend une étude de 306 cas particuliers. (HB 1936) Official Publications: Widening Horizons (monthly bulletin in French, English and German). Independent Woman (monthly publication, United States). Canadian Business and Professional Woman (monthly publication); bulletins of other member countries. Other Publications : {a) "Earnings of Women in Business and the Professions ", study on about 14,000 members of the Federation, price, $1.25, on sale at the Bureau of Business Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan; (b) "The Age Factor as it relates to Women in Business and the Professions ", based on information from 20,000 members of the Federation in 1931 (No. 117 of the Women's Bureau Bulletin, on sale at the Office of Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D.C. price 10 cents); (c) "Women and their Careers", by Anne Hendry Morrison, completes "The Age Factor", etc., and comprises a study of 306 special cases. (HB 1938)


Interchange of speakers of the different countries. Mutual aid through committees of commercal exchange, hospitality and courtesis, fine arts and publicity.(HB 1931) En général: la Fédération joue le rôle de centre de réception et de diffusion des renseignements sur les problèmes spéciaux concernant les intérêts des femmes dans les affaires et les carrières libérales, afin de tenir ses membres au courant de la situation; elle constitue, en outre, l'organe chargé d'élaborer une politique commune et de l'exposer de temps à autre à des organismes nationaux et internationaux importants, tels que les gouvernements, la Société des Nations et le Bureau international du Travail. En particulier : la Fédération s'efforce de défendre les intérêts économiques et sociaux des femmes dans les affaires et les carrières libérales; de développer la compétence technique, administrative, commerciale et professionnelle des femmes et de relever le niveau de leur préparation afin de leur assurer des débouchés de plus en plus larges dans les affaires et les carrières libérales et, enfin, d'obtenir et de maintenir un niveau professionnel qui assure une contribution de plus en plus utile des femmes, dans le domaine des carrières libérales et dans la vie de la collectivité en général. (HB 1936) General: the Federation acts as a centre for the receipt and dissemination of information on special problems of interest to business and professional women for the purpose of keeping its members in touch with the situation; it is also responsible for enunciating a common policy and expounding this policy from time to time to important national and international bodies, such as Governments, the League of Nations and the International Labour Office. Special: The Federation endeavours to safeguard the economic and social interests of business and professional women; to improve the technical, administrative, commercial and professional qualifications of women and to raise the standard of training in order that wider prospects may be open to them in business and the professions, and lastly, to achieve and maintain a professional standard which will enhance the value of the contribution of women to the professions and to society in general.(HB 1938)
