Teachers' International Trade Secretariat
Teachers' International Trade Secretariat, Internationales Berufssekretariat der Lehrer, Secrétariat Professionnel International de l'Enseignement
Founded: 1926
HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938
Executive Committee and General Council. The General Council consists of delegates of the affiliated unions.
Relationships with other Organisations
Members in these countries
The teachers' unions affiliated to a central union affiliated in turn to the International Federation of Trade Unions (Amsterdam). (HB 1929)
Au 1er mai 1935: Centrale du Personnel enseignant socialiste, Belgique (5500); Fédération des travailleurs de l'enseignement, Espagne (2.000); Fédération générale de l'enseignement, France (90.000); Mittelschullehrer, Lettonie (250); Freie Lehrergewerkschaft, Luxembourg (100) ; Soc. Ond. Vereeniging, Norvège (100) ; Bond van Nederlandsche Onderwijzers, Pays-Bas (7.000); Ned. Ind. Ond. Genootschap (Indes néerlandaises) (2.000); Sozialistische Lehrergruppe, Suisse (150); Sozialistische Lehrergruppe et Od borova organizace ucitelu a prof. soc. dem., Tchécoslovaquie (1.400 + 200); Union des Instituteurs allemands émigrés (150). Total: 108.750.
On January 1st, 1937: Teachers' Socialist Bureau, Belgium (5,500); Federation of Educational Workers, Spain (2,060); General Educational Federation, France (100,000); Secondary School Teachers, Latvia (250); Freie Lehrergewerkschaft, Luxemburg (100); Socialist Teachers' Union, Norway (100); Bond van Nederlandsche Onderwijzers, the Netherlands (7,000); Ned. Lad, Ond. Genootschap, Netherlands Indies (2,000); Sozialistiche Lehrergruppe, Switzerland (250) ; Sozialistische Lehrergruppe and 0d borova organizace ucitelu a prof. soc. dem., Czechoslovakia (1,400 plus 200); Organisation of Social-Democratic German Teachers in Czechoslovakia (250); Union of Emigrant German Teachers (150). Total: 108,750. (HB 1938)
(since 1935)
(since 1935)
(since 1935)
(since 1935)
(since 1935)
Netherland Indies
(since 1935)
(since 1935)
(since 1935)
(since 1935)
(since 1935)
To support and strengthen the affiliated organisations, to imrprove the material and social position of teachers, to safeguard their civic rights, to encourage the progress of education in the broadest sense of the term, and to improve the standard of education of the working-class. (HB 1929, HB 1938)
Améliorer la situation matérielle et sociale du personnel enseignant, sauvegarder ses droits civiques, favoriser le progrès de l'enseignement, au sens le plus large, et élever le degré de culture de la classe ouvrière. (HB 1936)
Members' subscriptions, fixed by the General Council. (HB 1929)
Budget annuel : sources de recettes : cotisations des sections nationales affiliées; dépenses annuelles : environ 40.000 francs français. (HB 1936)
Annual budget: income derived from subscriptions of affiliated national sections; annual expenditure about 50,000 French francs. (HB 1938)
General facts
Créé en 1926, par des délégués des syndicats d'instituteurs affiliés à la Fédération syndicale internationale. Le Bureau a organisé des congrès et sessions de son Conseil à Vienne en 1928, Bruxelles eu 1929, Hambourg en 1931, Genève en 1932, Amsterdam en 1933, Aussig (Tchécoslovaquie) en 1934. (HB 1936)
The Secretariat was founded in 1926 by delegates of teachers' trade unions affiliated to the International Federation of Trade Unions. The Bureau has held congresses and meetings of its Council at Vienna (1928), Brussels (1929), Hamburg (1931), Geneva (1932), Amsterdam (1933), Aussig (Czechoslovakia) {1934), Berne (1935) and Brussels (1936). (HB 1938)
"Information Bulletin of the Teachers' International Trade Secretariat" (French and German editions). (HB 1929)
1° Service de presse (mensuel) ; 20 Comptes rendus des Conférences et discussions Ecoles d'été. 2 volumes ont paru dans cette collection.
Autres publications contenant des renseignements sur l'organisation: Journaux corporatifs des sections nationales. (HB 1936)
(1) Press Service (monthly); (2) Proceedings of conferences and discussions. Summer schools. Four volumes have been published in this series.
Other Publications containing information regarding the Organisation: Professional publications of national sections. (HB 1938)
Co-operation with the International Federation of Trade Unions and other international organisations concerned with education; exchange of information with affiliated unions; publications; encouragement of regular contact between teachers in different countries. (HB 1929)
Conseil général ou Congrès annuel : Ecoles d'été internationales annuelles. (HB 1936)
Annual General Council or Congress: Annual International Summer Schools. (HB 1938)