International Maritime Committee
International Maritime Committee, Comité Maritime International
Founded: 1897
HB 1921, HB 1923, HB 1925, HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938
Permanent bureau, seated in Anvers
The Permanent Bureau, with headquarters at Antwerp
Léopold Dor
Honorary General Secretary (Secretary General)
General Secretary (Secretary General)
: (HB 1938: Honorary)
Ant. Franck
General Secretary (Secretary General)
: (HB 1938: Honorary)
Sir Louis Franck
Vice President
: Chairman (HB 1929)
Léon Hennebocq
General Secretary (Secretary General)
George P . Langton
General Secretary (Secretary General)
Honorary General Secretary (Secretary General)
Albert le Jeune
Vice President
Charles Le Jeune
G. St. C. Pilcher
General Secretary (Secretary General)
: (HB 1938: Honorary)
Sir Leslie Scott
General Secretary (Secretary General)
Vice President
Frédéric Sohr
General Secretary (Secretary General)
Honorary General Secretary (Secretary General)
General Secretary (Secretary General)
: (HB 1938: Honorary)
Members in these countries
Les associations nationales de droit maritime créées dans les divers pays sur l'initiative du Comité maritime international qui les groupe et assure, par son organisation, la concordance de leurs travaux. En outre, des membres permanents élus par cooptation.
Les associations nationales des pays suivants sont affiliées/The national Associations of Maritime Law founded in the various maritime countries through the International Maritime Committee, which organises their work on uniform lines. In addition, permanent members elected by co-option. The National Associations of the following countries are affiliated:
(since 1921)
(since 1921)
(since 1921)
(since 1938)
(since 1921)
(since 1921)
(since 1921)
(since 1921)
(since 1921)
Kingdom of Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia
(since 1921)
(since 1921)
(since 1925)
(since 1921)
(since 1936)
(since 1921)
United Kingdom
(since 1921)
United States of America
(since 1921)
(since 1936)
L'unification du droit maritime par l'élaboration de conventions internationales. (HB 1925/36)
The unification of maritime law by means of international conventions. (HB 1929/38)
Les cotisations sont variables et établies de commun accord entre le Bureau permanent et les Associations nationales. Elles couvrent les frais d'administration et surtout de publication. (HB 1925/36)
The subscriptions are variable and are settled by agreement between the Permanent Bureau and the National Associations. They cover the costs of administration and publications. (HB 1929/38)
General facts
Conférences tenues à Anvers (1898), Londres (Ì899). Paris (1900), Hambourg (1902), Amsterdam (1904), Liverpool (1905), Venise (1907), Brême (1909), Paris (1911). Copenhague (1913). Sujets traités: 1° La limitation de la responsabilité des propriétaires de navires; 2° Les privilèges et les hypothèques maritimes; 3° L'abordage, la compétence en matière d'abordage; 4° L'assistance et le sauvetage; 5° L'affrètement; 6° La sécurité de la navigation; 7° Le droit de la guerre maritime et le régime de la propriété privée, l'assurance des biens ennemis. (HB 1925)
Reports of Conferences ; work of the committees ; various reports, etc. Diplomatic conferences met at Brussels in 1909, 1910, 1922, 1923 and 1926. They were concerned with the drafting of international conventions regarding the limitation of responsibility of owners of vessels, privileges and maritime mortgages, immunity of State-owned vessels and bills of lading (former Hague Rules). The International Maritime Committee has also taken part in the drafting of the International Convention for Safeguarding Human Life at Sea of January 20th, 1914. (HB 1929)
Conférences internationales tenues à Bruxelles 1897, Anvers 1898, Londres 1899, Paris 1900, Hambourg 1902, Amsterdam 1904, Liverpool 1905, Venise 1907, Brème 1909, Paris 1911, Copenhague 1913, Anvers 1921, Londres 1922, Gothebourg 1923, Gênes 1925, Amsterdam 1927, Anvers 1930, Oslo 1933. Ces conférences ont préparé tes conventions adoptées par les Conférences diplomatiques tenues à Bruxelles en 1909, 1910, 1922, 1923 et 1926. Lesdites conventions (dont plusieurs sont devenues la loi du monde entier) se rapportaient à l'abordage en haute mer, le sauvetage et l'assistance en mer, la limitation de la responsabilité des propriétaires de navires, les hypothèques et les nantissements maritimes, l'immunité des navires d'Etat, les clauses d'exonération dans les connaissements (dites Règles de La Haye). Le Comité a participé également à la rédaction de la Convention internationale pour la sauvegarde de la vie humaine en mer, du 20 janvier 1914. Questions actuellement à l'étude, entre autres: juridiction compétente et sanctions pénales en cas d'abordage en haute mer, saisie des navires, etc. (HB 1936)
International conferences were held at: Brussels (1897), Antwerp (1898), London (1899), Paris (1900) Hamburg (1902), Amsterdam (1904), Liverpool (1905), Venice (1907), Bremen (1909), Paris (1911), Copenhagen (1913), Antwerp (1921),
London (1922), Gothenburg (1923), Genoa (1925), Amsterdam (1927), Antwerp (1930), Oslo (1933), Paris (1937). These conferences had prepared draft Conventions which were successively adopted by the Diplomatic Conferences which met at Brussels in 1909, 1910, 1922, 1923 and
1926 respectively. The said draft Conventions (several of which have now become the law of the world) concerned: Collisions at Sea, Salvage and Assistance at Sea, Limitation of Shipowners' Liability, Maritime Mortgages and Liens on Ships, Immunity of
State-owned Ships, exemption clauses in Bills of Lading (known as The Hague Rules). At the Paris Conference preliminary draft conventions were prepared on criminal jurisdiction, civil jurisdiction and the attachment of vessels. The Committee also took part in the drafting of the International Convention of January 20th, 1914, for Safeguarding Human Life at Sea.
Further subjects are now being studied, inter alia: through bills of lading, exemption clauses in passage tickets, war-time insurance, etc. (HB 1938)
Publication des comptes rendus in extenso des conférences; des rapports sur les travaux des Commissions et des rapports reçus des différentes associations nationales.
Verbatim reports of all plenary conferences, also reports on the work of the sub-committees and the reports sent in by the various national Associations. (HB 1938)
Comptes rendus des conférences, travaux des Commissions, etc. Les Conventions internationales sur l'abordage et l'assistance conclues à Bruxelles le 23 septembre 1910. En outre, les conférences diplomatiques, réunies à Bruxelles en 1909 et 1910, se sont occupées de l'élaboration des conventions internationales sur la limitation de la responsabilité des propriétaires de navires et sur les privilèges et hypothèques maritimes. Le Comité maritime international a également pris une part importante dans la préparation de la Convention internationale sur la sauvegarde de la vie humaine en mer du 20 janvier 1914. (HB 1925) Questions actuellement à l'étude, entre autres : juridiction compétente et sanctions pénales en cas d'abordage en haute mer, saisie des navires, etc. (HB 1936)
Reports of Conferences ; work of the committees ; various reports, etc. Diplomatic conferences met at Brussels in 1909, 1910, 1922, 1923 and 1926. They were concerned with the drafting of international conventions regarding the limitation of responsibility of owners of vessels, privileges and maritime mortgages, immunity of State-owned vessels and bills of lading (former Hague Rules). The International Maritime Committee has also taken part in the drafting of the International Convention for Safeguarding Human Life at Sea of January 20th, 1914, (HB 1929)
International Conferences; work of the committees; various reports, etc. (HB 1938)