International Educational Cinematographic Institute

International Educational Cinematographic Institute, Internationales Institut für Lehrfilmwesen, Institut International du Cinématographe Éducatif, Istituto Internazionale per la Cinematografia Educative, Instituto Internacional de Cinematografia Educativa
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Founded: 5/11/1928
Sources: HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938


(a) The Governing Body, consisting of a President and fourteen members appointed by the Council of the League of Nations. The Italien member of the Committe on Intellectual Co-operation is President of the Governing Body ex officio. (b) The Permanent Executive Committee, consisting of the President of the Governing Body and five members appointed by that body, as follows. Le Secrétaire général de la Société des Nations, le Président de l'Institut international d'Agriculture, le Directeur du Bureau international du Travail, le Directeur de l'Institut international de Coopération intellectuelle assistent aux séances avec voix consultative. (HB 1936) (1) The Administrative Council: The Secretary-General of the League of Nations, the President of the International Institute of Agriculture, the Director of the International Labour Office, and the Director of the International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation attend the meetings in an advisory capacity. (2) The Permanent Executive Committee: The Secretary-General of the League of Nations, the President of the International Institute of Agriculture, the Director of the International Labour Office and the Director of the International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation attend the meetings in an advisory capacity. (3) The Advisory and Technical Committee; (4) The Director. (HB 1938)
  • Baron Prof. Giacomo Acerbo Member ex officio (Member) 1936 : Président de l'Institut international d'Agriculture
  • Joseph Louis Marie Charles Avenol Member ex officio (Member) 1936 : Le Secrétaire général de la Société des Nations
  • J. W. Brown Member of the Governing Body (Member) 1936 / Member of the Executive Committee (Member of a Committee) 1936
  • Harold M. Butler Member ex officio (Member) : Directeur du Bureau international du
  • Mariano Harlan Cornejo Member ex officio (Member) 1936
    Representative of Peru
  • Dr. Cürlis Member of the Governing Body (Member) 1929-1936
  • Dr. L. de Feo Director 1929 : Director of the Administrative Council: Director of the Institute (HB 1938)
  • Prof. Gonzague de Reynold Member of the Governing Body (Member) 1929 : Member of the Administrative Council (HB 1938) / Member of the Executive Committee (Member of a Committee) 1936
  • Comte H. Carton de Wiart Member of the Governing Body (Member) 1936 : Member of the Administrative Council (HB 1938)
  • G. Paulucci di Calboli Barone President ad interim (President) 1935
  • Prof. Henri Focillon Member of the Governing Body (Member) 1929 : Member of the Administrative Council (HB 1938) / Member of the Executive Committee (Member of a Committee) 1929
  • Nagendra Nath Ganguly Member of the Governing Body (Member) 1936 : Member of the Administrative Council (HB 1938)
  • Balbino Giuliano Chairman (President) 1938 : Chairman of the Administrative Council: Chairman of the Permanent Executive Committee (HB 1938)
  • G. T. Hankin Member of the Governing Body (Member) 1929-1936
  • Prof. Ragnar Knoph Member of the Governing Body (Member) 1929-1936
  • Dr. Hugo Krüss Member of the Governing Body (Member) 1929-1936 / Member of the Executive Committee (Member of a Committee) 1929-1936
  • Rodolfo Llopis Member of the Governing Body (Member) 1936 : Member of the Administrative Council (HB 1938)
  • Louis Lumière Member of the Governing Body (Member) 1929-1936 / Honorary Member (Member) 1936 : Honorary Member of the Administrative Council (HB 1938)
  • Carl E. Milliken Member of the Governing Body (Member) 1929-1936
  • Gabriela Mistral Member of the Governing Body (Member) 1929 : Member of the Administrative Council (HB 1938)
  • Jean Daniel de Montenach Secretary 1936 : secrétaire de la Commission internationale de coopérationintellectuelle. Secretary of the International Committee for Intellectual Co-operation (HB 1938)
  • Prof. Gilbert A. Murray Member of the Governing Body (Member) 1929-1936
  • Prof. Inazo Nitobé Member of the Governing Body (Member) 1929-1936
  • Georges Oprescu Member of the Governing Body (Member) 1936 : Member of the Administrative Council (HB 1938)
  • Ryszard Ordyński Member of the Governing Body (Member) 1936 : Member of the Administrative Council (HB 1938)
  • Dr. R. P. Paranjpye Member of the Governing Body (Member) 1929-1936 / Member of the Executive Committee (Member of a Committee) 1929-1936
  • Prof. Alfredo Rocco President 1929-1935 : of the Governing Body Died in 1935 but still mentioned in the HB of 1935 (†) / Member of the Executive Committee (Member of a Committee) 1929-1935 : Died in 1935 but still mentioned in the HB of 1935 (†)
  • Pedro Sangro Y Ros de Olano Member of the Governing Body (Member) 1929-1936 / Member of the Executive Committee (Member of a Committee) 1929-1936
  • Nikolas Kozma von Leveld Member of the Governing Body (Member)


Relationships with other Organisations


  • 1934-1934 Baden-Baden: Germany Conference for the Standardisation of Small Dimensional Films (HB 1938)
  • 1934-1934 Stresa: Italy Conference for the Standardisation of the Dimensions of Sound Films, 16 mm. (HB 1938)
  • 1934-1934 Rome: Italy Congress on Educational and Instructional Cinematography, organised and directed by the Institute, at which thirty-seven international institutions were represented


The object of the International Educational Cinematographic Intsitute is to encourage the production and promote the distribution and exchange of educational films by all suitable measures and suggestions. The Institute's main attention will be devoted to the mutual understanding of peoples in the spirit of the League of Nations. It will also endeavour to secure the general adoption of the best methods of utilising films from the educational point of view. It will also act as an information centre for matters affecting the cinematograph as an educational medium. The Institute will establish relations with the other international institutions. Its work will be pursued in close liaison with the International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation, the International Labour Office, the Child Welfare Committee and the International Institute of Agriculture. It will develop its programme by the method of national and international co-ordination and collaboration. (HB 1929) : L'Institut a pour but, par toutes initiatives et suggestions utiles, d'encourager la production et de favoriser la diffusion et l'échange de films éducatifs. L'Institut a pour préoccupation dominante la compréhension mutuelle des peuples, selon l'esprit de la Société des Nations. Il se préoccupe de répandre les meilleures méthodes d'utilisation des films au point de vue éducatif. Il est, en outre, un organe d'information international pour tout ce qui concerne le cinématographe éducatif. L'Institut travaille en relation avec les autres institutions internationales et nationales qui peuvent s'intéresser aux problèmes du film éducatif. Son activité se poursuit en liaison étroite avec celles de l'Institut international de Coopération intellectuelle, du Bureau international du Travail, du Comité de la protection de l'enfance, de l'Institut international d'Agriculture. Il développe son programme par la méthode de la coordination et de la collaboration internationale et nationale. (HB 1936)


The ordinary funds of the Institute are as follows: (a) The annual subsidy granted by the Italian Government. (b) Any other subsidies in whatever form granted by the Italian Government or foreign Governments. (c) Any gifts, legacies, etc., which may be offered to the Institute and accepted by the Governing Body. (d) The income from the movable or immovable property belonging to the Institute. (e) The revenue from the Institute's normal activities. Les recettes ordinaires de l'Institut sont les suivantes : a) subvention annuelle du Gouvernement italien; b) d'autres subventions sous différentes formes données par le Gouvernement italien ou d'autres gouvernements; c) dons, legs, etc., qui seraient offerts à l'Institut et acceptés par son Conseil d'administration; d) les recettes provenant de la propriété mobilière ou immobilière de l'Institut; e) recettes provenant des activités normales de l'Institut. (HB 1936)

General facts

The Council of the League of Nations accepted, on September 28th, 1927, the offer of the Italian Government to found and maintain an International Cinematographic Institute. The Institute was opened on November 5th, 1928, and immediately after the opening ceremony the Governing Body held its first meeting. At this meeting the general administrative regulations and the financial regulations were drawn up and they were adopted by the Council on December 13th, 1928. The Council of the League of Nations accepted, on September 28th, 1927, the offer of the Italian Government to found and maintain an International Cinematographic Institute. The Institute was opened on November 5th, 1928, and immediately after the opening ceremony the Governing Body held its first meeting. At this meeting the general administrative regulations and the financial regulations were drawn up and they were adopted by the Council on December 13th, 1928. In April 1934, the Institute organised an International Congress on Educational and Instructional Cinematography. (HB 1938)


Publications. Encyclopédie du Cinématographe. Etudes, enquêtes, rapports. Résumé historique : Le 28 septembre 1927, le Conseil de la Société des Nations a accepté l'offre du Gouvernement italien de fonder et d'entretenir un Institut international du Cinématographe éducatif. L'Institut a été inauguré le 5 novembre 1928 et son Conseil d'administration s'est réuni pour la première fois immédiatement après la cérémonie d'ouverture. A cette session, les règles administratives générales et le règlement financier ont été élaborés et adoptés par le Conseil de la Société des Nations le 13 décembre 1928. En avril 1934, l'Institut a organisé le premier Congrès international du Cinématographe d'Enseignement et d'Education Interciné (Autrefois : Revue internationale du Cinéma éducateur), publiée mensuellement en quatre éditions différentes : italien, français, anglais et allemand; Bulletin Les Nouvelles cinématographiques, paraissant tous les quinze jours; Vingt et une publications sur des sujets spéciaux, entre autres : Cinéma et Enseignement, Cinéma et Education, Cinéma et Organisation scientifique du travail, Cinéma et Agriculture, Cinéma et Hygiène, Essai sur l'Historique de l'Education visuelle, Film sonore et enseignement des langues. Une Encyclopédie du Cinématographe est en cours de publication. (HB 1936) Twenty-one publications on special subjects, among others: "The Cinema and Teaching ", "The Cinema and Education ", "The Cinema and Scientific Organisation of Labour ", "The Cinema and Agriculture ", "The Cinema and Health ", "Essay on the History of Visual Education, the Sound Film and the Teaching of Languages ". A Cinematographic Encyclopaedia is in course of publication. (HB 1938)


La Convention internationale pour la suppression des barrières douanières pour les films ayant un caractère éducatif est entrée en vigueur. Cette Convention confie à l'Institut du Cinématographe éducatif une tâche constante pratique dans un but de connaissance, de contrôle et d'échange international du matériel. (HB 1936) The Convention for Facilitating the International Circulation of Educational Films has come into force. It entrusts the International Educational Cinematographic Institute with the practical work regarding the international exchange of material, etc. First International Congress on Educational and Instructional Cinematography, organised and directed by the Institute, at which thirty-seven international institutions were represented (Rome 1934). Conference for the Standardisation of Small Dimensional Films, Baden-Baden (1934). Conference for the Standardisation of the Dimensions of Sound Films, 16 mm., Stresa (1934). International Exhibition of Cinematographic Art held concurrently with the Biennale di Venezia. (HB 1938)