Congress of Organised Ethnical Minorities (Nationalities) in European Countries

Congress of Organised Ethnical Minorities (Nationalities) in European Countries, Congrès des Minorités Ethniques (Nationalités) organisées dans les États Européens, Congrès des Nationalités Européennes, Congress of European Nationalities
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Founded: 1925
Sources: HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938





HB 1929: To form a link between the ethnical minorities of Europe. To afford their responsible heads an opportunity of regularly exchanging views and constantly co-operating for the purpose of throwing light upon, and solving the problem of, nationalities in order to eradicate the principal cause of European wars. HB 1936: Former un lien entre les minorités ethniques d'Europe. Faciliter à leurs chefs responsables un échange d'idées régulier et une coopération suivie en vue d'élucider et de résoudre le problème des nationalités afin d'enrayer la cause principale des guerres européennes. HB 1938: To form a link between the ethnical minorities of Europe; to tacilitate the regular exchange of ideas and co-operation between their responsible leaders with a view to elucidating and solving the problem of nationalities so as to remove the chief cause of European wars.


HB 1929: The income is derived from contributions, fixed annually, from the various groups. HB 1936: Source de revenus: cotisations des différents groupes, fixées annuellement. HB 1938: Source of revenue: subscriptions of the various groups, fixed annually.

General facts

HB 1929: The First Congress of European Nationalities met at Geneva in 1925. Ethnical minorities living in twelve European countries were represented. Since then the number of minorities represented and the number of delegates attending have constantly increased, and almost all the minorities in Europe are now in touch with one another, inasmuch as the Congress affords them an opportunity of exchanging views and of co-operating to solve the problem of nationalities. HB 1936: Le premier Congrès des nationalités européennes a siégé à Genève en 1925. Les minorités ethniques vivant dans douze Etats européens y étaient représentées. Depuis, le nombre des minorités représentées et le nombre des délégués participants, ont sans cesse augmenté, de sorte qu'aujourd'hui presque toutes les minorités européennes sont reliées entre elles grâce au Congrès, qui leur permet d'échanger leurs idées et de coopérer à la solution du problème des nationalités. Le Congrès s'est tenu à Genève jusqu'en 1931 et à 1935, à Vienne en 1932, à Berne en 1933 et 1934. HB 1938: The first Congress of European Nationalities was held at Geneva in 1925. The ethnical minorities living in twelve European States were represented at this Congress. Since then, the number of minorities represented and the number of delegates participating have steadily increased, and to -day nearly all the European minorities keep in touch with each other through the Congress which enables them to exchange ideas and to co-operate in solving the problem of nationalities. The Congress was held at Geneva up to 1931 and in 1935, at Vienna in 1932, at Berne in 1933 and 1934, at Geneva in 1935 and 1936, and in London in 1937.


HB 1929: Communications du Secrétariat des Congrès des Nationalités Européennes (published every two months). HB 1936: Publication officielle: Communications du Secrétariat des Congrès des Nationalités européennes. HB 1938:Communications by the Secretariat of the Congresses of European Nationalities.


HB 1929: The Congress has met every autumn at Geneva. The Committee publishes a printed record of the proceedings of the congress, and a review. HB 1936: Congrès annuel tenu en automne. Le Comité publie un compte rendu imprimé des travaux du Congrès, ainsi qu'une revue. HB 1938: Annual Congress held in the autumn. The Committee publishes a printed record of the proceedings of the Congress and also a review.
