International Advisory Committee on Wireless Communications

International Advisory Committee on Wireless Communications, Comité Consultatif International des Radio-Communications (C.C.I.R.), Comité consultatif international technique des communications radio-électriques, International Advisory Technical Committee on Wireless Communications
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Founded: 1927
Sources: HB 1931, HB 1936, HB 1938


The Government authorities responsible for organising each meeting. Organisation of the C.C.I.R.: the President of the C.C.I.R. and the presidents, vice­ presidents and rapporteurs of the various Commissions are elected at the beginning of each meeting. As a rule, the Secretariat is composed of officials of the International Bureau of the Telegraph Union and officials of the organising authorities. The authorities represented at each meeting of the Committee designate the authorities responsible for summoning the next meeting. The questions to be examined by the Committee are sent to the authorities organising the forthcoming-meeting, who fix the date and agenda. (HB 1931) Administration gérante : Roumanie (depuis le 11 mars 1935). Fonctionnent, en outre, des « administrations centralisatrices » qui sont chargées de faire le nécessaire pour procéder à l'étude des questions entre les sessions et de préparer les propositions à soumettre à la prochaine réunion du C. C. I. R. (HB 1936) Responsible authority: Sweden (as from November 9th, 1937). "Centralising authorities" are also appointed to organise the study of questions between sessions and prepare problems for the next meeting of the C.C.I.R. (HB 1938)


  • Bucarest: Romania
    La gérance du comité est exercée par l'administration centrale des télécommunications de l'un ou l'autre des pays membres de l'Union internationale des télécommunications. C'est l'administration roumaine (Direction générale des postes, télégraphes et téléphones, Bucarest) qui fonctionne comme administration gérante actuelle. L'administration gérante est celle chargée d'organiser une réunion du C. C. I. R. Le secrétariat de la réunion est assuré par l'administration gérante avec la collaboration du Bureau de l'Union internationale des télécommunications. (HB 1936) The Committee's affairs are managed by the central telecommunications authority of whichever of the countries members of the International Telecommunication Union has been entrusted with the organisation of the next meeting of the C.C.I.R. The responsible authority enters upon these duties five months after the end of the previous meeting and continues to discharge them until five months after the end of the meeting which it has organised. The Secretariat of the meeting is provided by the responsible authority with the co-operation of the Bureau of the International Telecommunication Union (Berne). (HB 1938)

Members in these countries

The Committee consists at each meeting of experts representing Government authorities or acoredited private undertakings responsible for wireless enterprises which desire to take part in its discussions and undertake to contribute in equal shares to the common expense arising out of the meeting which it is proposed to hold. The personal expenses of the experts are borne by the authorities or private undertaking which they represent. (HB 1931) Le C. C. I. R. est formé d'experts des administrations et des compagnies ou groupes de compagnies d'exploitation radioélectrique reconnues par leurs gouvernements respectas qui déclarent vouloir participer à ses travaux et qui s'engagent à contribuer, par parts égales, aux frais communs de ses réunions. Sont aussi admis des organismes internationaux s'intéressant aux études radioélectriques qui sont désignés par la dernière conférence de plénipotentiaires ou administrative et qui s'engagent à contribuer, par parts égales, aux frais des réunions. Compañía Internacional de Radio (Buénos-Ayres), Sociedad Anónima Radio Argentina (Buénos-Ayres), Transradio Internacional Compañía Radiotelegráfica Argentina S. A. (Buénos-Ayres), Société anonyme internationale de T. S. F. (Bruxelles), Hispano Radio Maritima S. A. (Madrid), Compañía Radio Aèrea Marítima Espanola (Madrid), Compañía Telefonica Nacional de España (Madrid), Transradio española S. A. (Madrid), American Telephone and Telegraph Company (New-York), National Association of Broadcasters (Washington, D.C.), R. C. A. Communications Inc. (New-York), Mackay Radio and Telegraph Company (New-York), Aeronautical Radio (Washington, D.C.), Radiomarine Corporation of America (New-York), Groupe des compagnies françaises associées (Compagnie générale de T. S. F., Paris), Radio-France (Paris), Radio-Orient (Paris), Cable and Wireless Ltd. (Londres), Gambrell Brothers and Company Ltd. et Marine Electrical Equipment Company Ltd. (Londres), International Marine Radio Company Ltd. (Londres), Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company Ltd. (Londres), Marconi International Marine Communication Company Ltd. (Londres), Siemens Brothers and Company Ltd. (Londres), Nederlandsche Telegraaf Maatschappij « Radio-Holland », N. V. (Amsterdam), Polskie Radjo S. A. (Varsovie), Companhia Portuguesa Radio Marconi (Lisbonne), Radio Maritima Portuguesa Ltd. (Lisbonne), Société de diffusion radiotéléphonique (Bucareste), Association internationale des Intérêts radiomaritimes (Londres), Société des Nations (Genève), Bureau de l'Union internationale des télécommunications (Berne), Comité consultatif international téléphonique (C. C. I. F.) (Paris), Comité consultatif international télégraphique (C. C. I. T.) (Varsovie), Comité international radio-maritime (Londres), International Amateur Radio Union (West Hartford, Conn., U. S. A.), Union internationale de Radiodiffusion (Genève). (HB 1936) The C.C.I.R. consists of experts representing Government authorities or companies or groups of companies operating systems of wireless communications and approved by their respective Governments which intimate their desire to take part in its activities and undertake to contribute in equal shares to the funds required to cover the joint costs of its meetings. Membership is also open to international bodies interested in wireless matters, which are approved by the last conference of plenipotentiaries or administrative meeting and which undertake to contribute in equal shares to the funds necessary to cover the cost of meetings. American Telephone and Telegraph Company, Association internationale des interets radio-maritimes, Cable and Wireless, Ltd., Columbia Broadcasting Systems, Inc., Compagnie Air-France, Compagnie de navigation Paquet, Compagnie g&ierale de telegraphic sans fil; for all its constituent companies (Compagnie generate de telegraphie sans fil; Compagnie Radio-France; Sociéte Radio-Orient; Compagnie Radio-Maritime), Compania Internacional de Radio; Dansk Radio Aktieselskab, Gambrell Radio Communications, Ltd., International Marine Radio Company, Ltd., Mackay Radio and Telegraph Company, for all its constituent companies (Mackay Radio and Telegraph Company; Radio Corporation of Porto Rico), Marconi Espanola, SA., Marconi International Marine Communication Company, Ltd., Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company, Ltd., National Association of Broadcasters, Oesterreichische Radioverkehrs A.G., Radio Austria, A.G., Radio Corporation of America, for all its constituent companies (Radio Corporation of America; RCA Communications, Incorporated; Radiomarine Corporation of America; National Broadcasting Company, Incorporated), Siemens Brothers and Company, Ltd., Telecomunicaciones internacionales de la Nación Argentina, Transradio, S.A., Transradio Espanola, S.A., Societe des Nations, Bureau de TUnion internationale des telecommunications, Comite consultatif international telephonique (C.C.I.F.), Comite consultatif international télégraphique (C.C.I.T.), Comité international Radio-Maritime, International Amateur Radio Union, Union internationale de radiodiffusion. (HB 1938)
Argentina (since 1936) , Austria (since 1938) , Belgium (since 1936) , British India (since 1936) , Bulgaria (since 1938) , Chosen (1936-1938) , Czechoslovakia (since 1936) , Denmark (since 1936) , Finland (since 1938) , France (since 1936) , French Protectorate of Morocco (1936-1938) , French Protectorate of Tunisia (1936-1938) , Germany (since 1936) , Hungary (since 1936) , Irish Free State (since 1938) , Islands of the South Pacific Mandate (1936-1938) , Italy (since 1936) , Japan (since 1936) , Karafuto (1936-1938) , Kwantung Leased Territory (1936-1938) , Lithuania (since 1936) , Netherland Indies (since 1936) , Netherlands (since 1936) , Norway (since 1936) , Poland (since 1936) , Portugal (since 1936) , Portuguese Colonies (since 1938) , Romania (since 1936) , Spain (since 1936) , Spanish Zone of Morocco (1936-1938) , Sweden (since 1936) , Switzerland (since 1936) , Taiwan (1936-1938) , Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (since 1938) , United Kingdom (since 1936) , United States of America (since 1936) , Vatican City (since 1938) , Vatican State (since 1936) , Yugoslavia (since 1938) ,



To study technical and related questions regarding international wireless communications, submitted to it by Government authorities or private undertakings belonging to the Committee. The Committee's role is confined to giving opinions on the questions which, it studies. It forwards such opinions to the International Bureau of the Telegraphic Union in Berne with a view to their communication to the Guvernment authorities and:private undertakings conoerned (HB 1931) Le C. C. I. R. est chargé d'étudier les questions radioélectriques techniques et celles dont la solution dépend principalement de considérations d'ordre technique et qui lui sont soumises par les administrations, les organismes et les compagnies d'exploitation radioélectrique. (HB 1936) The C.C.I.R. studies technical matters relating to wireless communications and any problems of a preponderantly technical character referred to it by Government authorities, international bodies and companies operating systems of wireless communication. (HB 1938)


Les frais occasionnés par le C. C. I. R. sont supportés, par parts égales, par les administrations, compagnies ou groupes de compagnies d'exploitation radio-électrique et organismes constituant ce comité. Les dépenses personnelles des experts de chaque administration, compagnie, groupe de compagnies ou organisme sont supportées par ceux-ci. L'organisation d'une réunion du C. C. I. R. nécessite une dépense moyenne approximative de 80.000 francs-or. Le Bureau de l'Union internationale des télécommunications est chargé de recouvrer les montants dus relativement à la gestion du C. C. I. R. (HB 1936) The expenditure of the C.C.I.R. is borne in equal shares by the Government authorities, companies or groups of companies operating wireless communication systems, and international bodies represented on the Committee. The personal expenses of the experts are defrayed by the authorities, companies or group of companies or international body which they represent. The average cost of organising a meeting of the C.C.I.R. is approximately 80,000 gold francs. The Bureau of the International Telecommunication Union is responsible for collecting all sums due in respect of the management of the Committee's affairs. (HB 1938)

General facts

The C.C.I.R. was set up by Article 17 of the International Radiotelegraph Convention concluded at Washington, November 25th, 1927. The organisation of the first meeting of the Committee was to the Netherlands authorities, and was held at The Hague in September and October 1929. The Danish authorities were invited to organise the second meeting, which took place in Copenhagen in May and June 1931. The next meeting will be held in Lisbon in 1933. (HB 1931) Le C. C. I. R. est un organisme technique de l'Union internationale des télécommunications. Le C. C. I. R. a été constitué par la Conférence radiotélégraphique internationale de Washington en 1927. Il s'est réuni pour la première fois à La Haye, le 18 septembre 1929. La deuxième réunion a eu lieu à Copenhague en 1931 et la troisième, en 1934, à Lisbonne-Estoril. En principe, ces réunions ont lieu de cinq en cinq ans. (HB 1936) The C.C.I.R. is a technical organ of the International Telecommunication Union. It was set up at the Washington International Radiotelegraphy Conference in 1927. Its first meeting was at The Hague on September 18th, 1929. Its second meeting took place at Copenhagen in 1931, the third at lisbon-Estoril in 1934 and the fourth at Bucharest in 1937. The fifth meeting will take place in Stockholm probably in 1942. In principle, the meetings take place every five years. (HB 1938)


Les publications officielles du C. C. I. R. sont les suivantes : Avis émis par le C, C. I. R., La Haye (janvier 1930), Copenhague (juin 1931), Lisbonne (novembre 1934) ; Documents, La Haye, 1930, un volume in-40 de 468 pages; Copenhague, 1931, un volume in-40, de 861 pages ; Lisbonne, 1935, deux volumes in-4°, l'un de 1.425 pages, l'autre de 343 pages. Autres publications contenant des renseignements sur l'organisation: Convention internationale des télécommunications, Madrid, 1932; Règlement général des radiocommunications, Madrid, 1932. (HB 1936) Official Publications : The official publications of the C.C.I.R. are as follows : 41 Opinions issued by the C.C.I.R., The Hague (January 1930), Copenhagen (June 1931), Lisbon (November 1934), Bucharest (July 1937); "Documents", The Hague, 1930, one volume in quarto of 468 pages ; Copenhagen, 1931, one volume in quarto of 861 pages; Lisbon, 1935, two volumes in quarto, one of 1,425 pages, the other of 343 pages; Bucharest, 1937, two volumes in quarto. Other Publications containing particulars of the Committee's Organisation: " International Telecommunication Convention, Madrid, 1932"; "General Radiocommunication Regulations, Madrid, 1932 " ; "Opinion No. 52 of the C.C.I.R. ". (HB 1938)


Le C.C.I.R. est régi actuellement par l'article 16 de la Convention internationale des télécommunications (Madrid 1932) - principe fondamental - et par l'article 31 du Règlement général des radiocommunications (Madrid 1932). L'organisation intérieure du C. C. I. R. est régie par les dispositions d'un « Règlement intérieur ». (HB 1936) The C.C.LR. is at present governed by Article 16 of the International Telecommunication Convention (Madrid, 1932) — fundamental principle — and by Article 31 of the General Radiocommunication Regulations (Madrid, 1932). The Committee's internal organisation is governed by its "Rules of Procedure". (HB 1938)
