International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics

International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Union Géodésique et Géophysique Internationale
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Founded: 1919
Sources: HB 1921, HB 1923, HB 1925, HB 1929, HB 1936


General Assembly of the Union of Delegates of all the adhering countries. Executive Committee: HB 1938: Governing Body: General Assembly of the Union of Delegates of all adhering countries. Officers:
  • Dr. William Bowie President 1936-1936
  • Prof. S. Chapman Member of a Committee 1936 : Period 1936-1939:Executive Committee of the Union HB 1938
  • Dr. J. A. Fleming Vice President 1936 : Period 1936-1939: Bureau: HB 1938
  • N. H. Heck Member of a Committee 1936 : Period 1936-1939:Executive Committee of the Union HB 1938
  • B. Helland-Hansen Member of a Committee 1936 : Period 1936-1939:Executive Committee of the Union HB 1938
  • Dr. D. La Cour President 1936 : Period 1936-1939: Bureau: HB 1938
  • Charles Lallemand President 1921-1936
  • Dr. Otto Luetschg Member of a Committee 1936 : Period 1936-1939:Executive Committee of the Union HB 1938
  • Sir Henry George Lyons General Secretary (Secretary General) 1921-1936
  • Prof. A. Michel-Levy Member of a Committee 1936 : Period 1936-1939:Executive Committee of the Union HB 1938
  • G. Perrier Delegate 1936 : Period 1936-1939:Delegates representing the Union on the Executive Committee of the International Council of Scientific Unions HB 1938
  • Dr. F. A. Vening-Meinesz Member of a Committee 1936 : Period 1936-1939:Executive Committee of the Union HB 1938
  • Harold St. John Loyd Winterbotham Delegate 1936 : Period 1936-1939:Delegates representing the Union on the Executive Committee of the International Council of Scientific Unions HB 1938 / Secretary General 1936


Relationships with other Organisations

Members in these countries

National committees of the following countries: HB 1938: Adhering Organisations in the following countries:
Argentina (since 1929) , Australia (1923-1936) , Belgium (since 1921) , Brazil (1921-1938) , Bulgaria (since 1936) , Canada (since 1921) , Chile (since 1925) , Czechoslovakia (since 1925) , Denmark (since 1925) , Ecuador (1936-1938) , Egypt (since 1925) , Finland (since 1929) , France (since 1921) , Greece (since 1921) , Hungary (since 1936) , India (1936-1938) , Indochina (1929-1936) , Italy (since 1921) , Japan (since 1921) , Mexico (1936-1938) , Mexico (1923-1929) , Monaco (1921-1929) , Morocco (since 1925) , Netherlands (since 1923) , New Zealand (since 1929) , Norway (since 1925) , Peru (since 1925) , Poland (since 1925) , Portugal (since 1921) , Romania (since 1936) , Siam (since 1925) , South Africa (1925-1938) , Spain (since 1921) , Sweden (since 1925) , Switzerland (since 1923) , Tonkin (since 1936) , Tunisia (since 1936) , United Kingdom (since 1921) , United States of America (since 1921) , Uruguay (since 1925) , Yugoslavia (since 1936) ,



Favoriser l'étude des problèmes qui concernent la figure et la physique du globe terrestre; provoquer et coordonner les recherches qui exigent la coopération de plusieurs pays, en assurer la discussion scientifique, ainsi que la publication; faciliter des recherches spéciales telles que les comparaisons d'instruments utilisés dans divers pays. HB 1929: To promote the study of problems relating to the shape and physics of the earth; to initiate and organise the conduct of researches which demand co-operation between different countries and to provide for their scientific discussion and publication ; to facilitate particular researches, such as the comparison of instruments used in different countries. HB 1936: Favoriser l'étude des problèmes qui concernent la figure et la physique du globe terrestre; provoquer et coordonner les recherches qui exigent la coopération de plusieurs pays, en assurer la discussion scientifique et la publication; faciliter des recherches spéciales telles que les comparaisons d'instruments utilisés dans divers pays. HB 1938: (1) To promote the study of problems relating to the figure and physics of the earth; (2) To initiate and co-ordinate research which depends on co-operation between different countries, and to provide for its scientific discussion and publication; (3) To facilitate particular research such as the comparison of instruments used in different countries.


Contributions des pays adhérents par catégories, suivant leur population; les pays ayant moins de 5 millions d'habitants contribuent à une unité et les pays ayant plus de 2ß millions d'habitants contribuent à huit unités. L'unité ne doit pas dépasser 2.600 francs français par an. HB 1929: Contributions of the adhering countries arranged in categories according to population ; countries with less than 5 million inhabitants pay one unit and those with over 20 million pay eight units. The unit is now 900 gold francs per annum. HB 1936: Contributions des pays adhérents par catégories, suivant leur population ; les pays ayant moins de 5 millions d'habitants contribuent pour une unité et les pays ayant plus de 20 millions d'habitants contribuent pour huit unités. L'unité est maintenant de 2.000 francs par an. HB 1938: The subscription is 1,500 gold francs, (equivalent to 435.4845 grammes of fine gold). Countries with less than 5 million inhabitants pay one unit and those with over 20 million pay eight units.

General facts

L'union géodisque et géophysique internationale comprend plusieurs sections: a) la géodésie; b) la sismologie; c) la météorologie; d) le magnétisme et l'électricité terrestre; e) l'océanographie physique; f) la vulcanologie; g) l'hydrologie scientifique (HB 1923). La présente convention est valable jusqu'au 31 décembre 1931. Après cette date, elle sera renouvelée pour une autre période de douze ans. HB 1923: La section b) remplace l'ancienne association internationale de sismologie, qui a annoncé sa dissolution dans son Assemblée générale tenue à Strasbourg en 1922 (pour les renseignements s'adresser à M. E. Rottté, Directeur de l'Institut de physique du globe, 38, boulevard d'Anvers, Strasbourg). Une réunion de l'Assemblée générale et des sections eut lieu en mai 1922, à Rome, et une autre en septembre 1924, à Madrid. La prochaine réunion aura lieu en 1927, à Prague. HB 1929: The Union comprises several sections: (a) Geodesy; (b) Seismology; (c) Meteorology; (d) Terrestrial Magnetism and Electricity; (c) Oceanography; ( f ) Volcanology; (g) Scientific Hydrology. Section (b) has superseded the former International Association of Seismology. A meeting of the General Assembly and sections was held in May 1922 at Rome, another in September 1924 at Madrid, and the most recent was at Prague in 1927. The next meeting will be in 1930 at Stockholm. HB 1936: L'Union comprend plusieurs associations : a) Géodésie; b) Sismologie; c) Météorologie; d) Magnétisme et électricité terrestres; e) Océanographie physique; f) Volcanologie; g) Hydrologie scientifique. L'association h) remplace l'ancienne Association internationale de sismologie. Des sessions de l'assemblée générale et des associations ont eu lieu en 1922 à Rome, en 1924 à Madrid, en 1927 à Prague, en 1930 à Stockholm et en 1933 à Lisbonne. HB 1938: Meetings of the General Assembly and Associations were held at Rome in 1922, Madrid, 1924; Prague, 1927; Stockholm 1930; Lisbon, 1933.


Réunion de l'Assemblée générale tous les trois ans, séances des sections. HB 1929: A meeting of the General Assembly every three years ; meetings of sections. HB 1936: Réunion de l'Assemblée générale tous les trois ans; réunions des Associations. HB 1938: A meeting of the General Assembly every three years ; meetings of Associations. Publications: The Union publishes administrative reports and the Associations print both scientific and administrative matter: Geodesy: General G. Perrier, 19 rue Auber, Paris, ge; Seismology: Professor E. RotW, 38, Boulevard d' An vers, Strasbourg; Meteorology:.Dr. J. Bjerknes, Det Geofysiske Institutt, Bergen, Norway; Terrestrial Magnetism and Electricity: Dr. A. H. R. Goldie, 6, Drumsheugh Gardens, Edinburgh; Physical Oceanography: Professor J. Proudman, F.R.S., The University, Liverpool, 3; Vulcanoiogy: Professor F. Signoree, Corso Vittorio Emanuele 7, Naples, Italy; Scientific Hydrology: M. DiSnert, 6, rue de Seine, Paris, 6e.
