International Union of Catholic Women's Leagues

International Union of Catholic Women's Leagues, Union Internationale des Ligues Catholiques Féminines
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Founded: 1910
Sources: HB 1923, HB 1925, HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938


Bureau. International councils. (HB 1925) Committee and international councils. The committee is composed of seventeen members. (HB 1929) Bureau et conseils internationaux. Le Bureau comprend dix-sept membres. (HB 1936) Committee and international councils. The Committee consists of eighteen members. (HB 1938)


Members in these countries

L'Association catholique internationale des Œuvres de la Protection de la Jeune Fille et ses 17 comités nationaux ; les Ligues et Associations catholiques féminines en (HB 1925) The International Catholic Association of Organisations for the Protection of Girls and its seventeen National Committees ; the International Federation of Catholic Alumni® ; the Catholic Women's Leagues and associations in Argentina, A ustria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Italy, Luxemburg. Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Roumania, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United States of America, Uruguay and Venezuela. (HB 1929) L'Association catholique internationale des śuvres de protection de la jeune fille et ses dix-sept comités nationaux; la Fédération internationale des étudiantes catholiques; les ligues et associations catholiques féminines des pays ci-après: (HB 1936) The International Catholic Association of Girls' Friendly Societies and its seventeen National Committees ; The International Federation of Catholic Students ; the Association internationale des Dames de la Charity de S. Vincent de Paul; the International Association of Catholic Nurses; the Catholic Women's Leagues and Associations in the following countries: (HB 1938)
Argentina (since 1923) , Australia (since 1936) , Austria (since 1923) , Belgium (since 1923) , Brazil (since 1923) , Canada (since 1923) , Chile (since 1923) , Czechoslovakia (since 1923) , Denmark (since 1925) , England (1923-1936) , France (since 1923) , Germany (since 1923) , Hungary (since 1923) , Italy (since 1923) , Lithuania (since 1936) , Luxembourg (since 1923) , Mexico (since 1923) , Netherlands (since 1923) , Norway (since 1925) , Peru (since 1936) , Philippines (since 1936) , Poland (since 1923) , Portugal (since 1925) , Romania (since 1929) , Scotland (1925-1936) , Spain (since 1923) , State of Serbia, Croatia and Slovakia (1925-1929) , Sweden (since 1925) , Switzerland (since 1923) , United Kingdom (since 1936) , United States of America (since 1923) , Uruguay (since 1925) , Venezuela (since 1929) ,



a) Servir de lien entre les ligues et associations féminines catholiques ; b) mettre à l'étude les questions se rapportant à la défense des libertés religieuses ou à l'action sociale catholique, qui peuvent être utilement traitées en vue d'une action commune. (HB 1925) (a) To link up Catholic Women's Leagues and Associations; (b) to study questions concerning religious liberty and Catholic social work. (HB 1929) a) Liaison entre les ligues et associations féminines; b) étude des questions se rapportant à la liberté religieuse et à l'action sociale catholique. (HB 1936) (a) To link up Catholic Women's Leagues and Associations ; (b) To study -questions concerning religious liberty and Catholic social work. (HB 1938)


Cotisations des Ligues et Associations affiliées. Dons et legs. (HB 1925, 1936) Subscriptions from affiliated leagues and associations; donations; bequests. (HB 1929) Subscriptions from affiliated organisations; donations and bequests. (HB 1938)

General facts

International councils were held at Brussels 1910, Madrid 1911, Vienna 1912, London 1913, Rome 1922 and 1925, The Hague 1928. The Union at present consists of fifty-six affiliated leagues and associations. (HB 1929) Des Conseils internationaux se sont réunis : à Bruxelles en 1910; à Madrid en 1911 ; à Vienne en 1912 ; à Londres en 1913 ; à Rome en 1922 et en 1925 ; à La Haye en 1928. L'Union comprend à présent (1930-1937) cinquante-huit ligues et associations affiliées. (HB 1936) International Councils were held at Brussels, 1910; Madrid, 1911; Vienna, 1912; London, 1913; Rome, 1922 and 1925; The Hague, 1928; Rome 1930; Lucerne, 1932; Rome, 1934; Brussels, 1937. At the beginning of 1937 the Union consisted of four international organisations and fifty-one affiliated organisations, also a Youth Section directed by its own Council. (HB 1938)


Information Bulletin. (HB 1929) Procès-verbaux des réunions des Conseils nationaux et rapports publiés par les commissions d'étude de l'Union. (Hb 1936) Records of International Councils, Reports of Study Commissions, reports of the activities of affiliated organisations, Cahiers de rUJ.L.F.C, a fortnightly organ, memoranda, studies, etc. (HB 1938)


Rapports annuels ; comptes rendus des Conseils internationaux ; Rapports des Commissions d' étude; préservation, défense et propagation de la foi ; morale et mœurs ; intérêts de la jeune fille ; cinéma et théâtre ; modes ; le travail de la femme de toutes conditions ; droits et devoirs civiques, etc. Feuille d'informations paraissant au moins deux fois par an. (HB 1925) Annual reports; proceedings of the international councils; reports of survey committees ; preservation, defence and propagation of the Faith; protection and rescue of women ; protection and assistance of children and juniors ; women's work; intellectual co-operation. (HB 1929) Rapports annuels; comptes rendus des conseils internationaux; rapports des commissions d'étude; préservation, défense et propagation de la foi; protection et relèvement des femmes; protection de l'enfance et de la jeunesse; travail de la femme; coopération intellectuelle; famille, hygiène et morale; école et enseignement; les devoirs civiques de la femme; périodique paraissant tous les deux mois. (HB 1936) Study Commissions on: Religion, the Family, Education and Instruction, Health and Morality, Civic Life, Intellectual, Industrial, Agricultural, Women's Protection and Child Protection Problems, Forwarding of memoranda to the League of Nations, the International Labour Office at Geneva, etc.; drawing-up of annual reports and records of International Councils; fortnightly periodical. (HB 1938)