International Congress of Official Organs for the Promotion of Tourist Traffic

International Congress of Official Organs for the Promotion of Tourist Traffic, Congrès International des Organes Officiels de Propagande Touristique, International Union of Official Organs for the Promotion of Tourist Traffic, Union Internationale des Organes Officiels de Propagande Touristique
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Founded: 1924
Sources: HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938


A permanent Secretariat-General.




The promotion of tourist traffic. (HB 1929/38) Le développement du trafic touristique. (HB 1938)


Members' subscriptions : 100 florins per annum: annual expenditure, about 1,500 florins. (HB 1929/38) Cotisations des membres : 100 florins par an; dépenses annuelles : 1.500 florins environ. (HB 1936)

General facts

The organisation was founded in 1924 on the initiative of the Official Information Office for Tourists, The Hague. The first meeting was held at The Hague in 1925 tho fourth at Budapest in 1928 and the fifth will take place at Warsaw in 1929. (HB 1929) L'Organisation a été fondée en 1924 sur l'initiative de l'Office national du Tourisme en Hollande de La Haye. Le premier congrès international a eu lieu à La Haye en 1925 et les suivants à Prague (1926), Belgrade (1927), Budapest (1928), Varsovie (1929), Madrid (1930), Rome (1931), Lisbonne (1933), La Haye (1935). Le prochain congrès se tiendra en Suisse en 1936. (HB 1936) The organisation was founded on the initiative of the Official Information Office for Tourists, The Hague. The first meeting was held at The Hague in 1925. Further meetings were held at Prague (1926), Belgrade (1927), Budapest (1928), Warsaw (1929), Madrid (1930) Rome (1931), Lisbon (1933), The Hague (1935), Zurich (1936), Berlin (1937). The next meeting will be held in Yugoslavia in 1938. (HB 1938)


Conferences and publications. (HB 1929/1938) Conférences et publications. (HB 1936)
