International Commission for Maritime Meteorology

International Commission for Maritime Meteorology, Commission Internationale de Météorologie Maritime
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Founded: 1907
Sources: HB 1925, HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938



Relationships with other Organisations

Members in these countries

Représentants dans les pays suivants/Representatives in the following countries:
Australia (since 1925) , Brazil (since 1925) , Canada (since 1925) , China (since 1925) , Denmark (since 1925) , France (since 1925) , Germany (since 1925) , India (since 1936) , Indochina (since 1936) , Italy (since 1925) , Japan (since 1925) , Morocco (since 1936) , Netherlands (since 1925) , New Zealand (since 1925) , Norway (since 1925) , Philippines (since 1938) , Portugal (since 1925) , South Africa (1925-1936) , Spain (1929-1936) , Spain (since 1938) , Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States (since 1938) , Sweden (since 1925) , Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (since 1936) , United Kingdom (since 1925) , United States of America (since 1925) ,



Collaboration internationale en matière de classification et de publication des observations météorologiques, maritimes et océanographiques. Etude des systèmes internationaux de signalisation des orages. Organisation radiométéorologique des océans. International co-operation in the classification and publication of meteorological, nautical and oceanographical observations. Discussion of international systems for storm signals. (HB 1929) Collaboration internationale en matière de classification et de publication des observations météorologiques, maritimes et océanographiques. Etude des systèmes internationaux de signalisation des orages. Organisation radiométéorologique des océans. (HB 1936) International co-operation in the classification and publication of meteorological, nautical and oceanographical observations. Discussion of international systems for storm signals. Radio-meteorological organisation of the Oceans. (HB 1938)


le rapport de la réunion, Utrecht, septembre 5-11, 1923, a été publié par l'Institut météorologique royal des Pays-Bas, avec le rapport de la Conférence météorologique dans K. et M . J . p. 112, p. 135-142. The report of the meeting at Utrecht in 1923 was published by the Royal Meteorological Institute of the Netherlands, together with a report of the Meteorological Conference as well as that of the last meeting, at Zurich, in 1926. (HB 1929) Le rapport sur la réunion tenue à Hambourg en 1932 a été publié par le Secrétariat de l'Organisation météorologique internationale. (HB 1936) The report of the meetings held at De Bilt and Warsaw in 1935 were published by the Secretariat of the International Meteorological Organisation (HB 1938)
