Uniono Katolik Idista

Mark for connection search

Founded: 1922
Sources: HB 1925, HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938



Members in these countries

associations in the following countries: Uniono prepares to found associations in Egypt, Syria and Canada. (HB 1925)
Austria (since 1925) , Belgium (since 1925) , Brazil (since 1925) , Canada (since 1938) , Canaries Islands (since 1938) , Czechoslovakia (since 1929) , Denmark (since 1938) , Egypt (1929-1938) , England (1925-1929) , Finland (since 1938) , France (since 1925) , Germany (since 1925) , Hungary (since 1925) , Irish Free State (since 1938) , Italy (since 1925) , Luxembourg (since 1925) , Madagascar (since 1938) , Malta (since 1938) , Mexico (since 1938) , Morocco (since 1938) , Netherlands (since 1938) , Poland (since 1938) , Portugal (since 1938) , Romania (since 1938) , Spain (since 1938) , Sweden (since 1938) , Switzerland (since 1925) , Syria (since 1929) , United Kingdom (since 1929) , United States of America (since 1938) , Uruguay (since 1938) ,



Grouper les sociétés catholiques du monde entier qui propagent la langue auxiliaire Ido. (HB 1925/1936) To unite the Catholic societies throughout the world engaged in spreading the auxiliary language Ido. (HB 1929) To unite Catholic societies throughout the world engaged in spreading the auxiliary language Ido. (HB 1938)

General facts

Le second Congrès a eu lieu à Cassel (Allemagne) pendant le troisième Congrès international d'Ido (1923) et le dernier en 1924 à Luxembourg, pendant le 4e Congrès. Le Congrès catholique à Luxembourg a été présidé par le marquis L. de Beaufront (France), principal auteur de l'Ido et président d'honneur de la Fédération. (HB 1925) The Second Congress was held at Cassel, Germany, during the Third International Ido Conference, 1923, the Third at Luxemburg 1924, the Fourth at Turin 1925, the Fifth at Prague 1926, and the Sixth at Zurich 1928. (HB 1929) Le second congrès a eu lieu à Cassel (Allemagne) pendant la troisième conférence internationale Ido, en 1923, le troisième à Luxembourg en 1924, le quatrième à Turin en 1925, le cinquième à Prague en 1926, le sixième à Zurich en 1928. (HB 1936) Stories, Life of Jesus Christ and an entire Idiste Catholic Library. Historical Facts : The Second Congress was held at Cassel, Germany, during the Third International Ido Conference, 1923, the Third at Luxemburg 1924, the Fourth at Turin 1925, the Fifth at Prague 1926, the Sixth at Zurich 1928, the Seventh at Freiburg-in-Breisgau 1929, the Eighth at Sopron (Hungary) 1930, the Ninth at Mondorf (Luxemburg) 1933, the Tenth at Oostduinkerke (Belgium) 1934, the Eleventh at Fredericia (Denmark) *935> the Twelfth at Szombathely (Hungary) 1936, the Thirteenth at Paris 1937. HB 1938)


la Fédération édite une revue mensuelle: "Idisto-katolika". (HB 1925) "Idisto-Katolika" (monthly). (HB 1929) "Katholik Informisto" (HB 1936) "Ido-Propagisto" in French and Ido. (HB 1938)


Traduction en Ido du "Livre des Psaumes" et du "Livre des Proverbes". (HB 1925/1936) Translation into Ido of the Book of Psalms and the Book of Proverbs. Gradual formation of Biblioteko Katolik Idista, etc. (HB 1929) Translation into Ido of the Book of Psalms, the Book of Proverbs, the Acts of the Apostles, the Gospel according to St. Luke, Polyeucte, Esther, Children's Catechism, Bible Stories, Life of Jesus Christ and an entire Idiste Catholic Library. (HB 1938)
