International Committee for Bird Preservation

International Committee for Bird Preservation, Commission Internationale pour la Protection des Oiseaux, Comité International pour la Protection des Oiseaux
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Founded: 6/29/1922
Sources: HB 1925, HB 1929, HB 1938



Members in these countries

National Societies of the contries listed.
Argentina (since 1938) , Australia (since 1925) , Austria (since 1936) , Belgium (since 1929) , Bulgaria (since 1929) , Canada (since 1925) , Czechoslovakia (since 1936) , Denmark (since 1929) , Ecuador (since 1936) , Finland (since 1936) , France (since 1925) , Germany (since 1936) , Hungary (since 1925) , Italy (since 1925) , Japan (since 1925) , Luxembourg (1925-1936) , Netherlands (since 1925) , New Zealand (since 1925) , Norway (since 1925) , Poland (since 1936) , Romania (since 1936) , South Africa (since 1925) , Sweden (since 1929) , Switzerland (since 1925) , United Kingdom (since 1925) , United States of America (since 1925) , Yugoslavia (since 1938) ,



s'efforcer d'organiser dans le monde entier une protection plus efficace des oiseaux, au moyen de l'éducation et de la législation. (HB 1925) To work for more adequate bird preservation throughout the world by means of education and legislation. (HB 1929) To stimulate interest in all countries for a more adequate protection of wild bird-life. (HB 1938)


chaque pays subventionne ses sociétés nationales. Le président international recueille des fonds pour les dépenses du siège central de la Commission internationale (HB 1925) Each country finances the work of its national societies. The International Chairman raises funds for the expenses of the general international headquarters. (HB 1929) Each national section pays a small contribution to the office expenses of the Secretariat. (HB 1938)

General facts

Fondée au cours d'une réunion tenue à Londres en 1922.


Bulletins (four in all) (HB 1938)
