Permanent International Committee of Architects
Permanent International Committee of Architects, Comité Permanent International des Architectes (C.P.I.A.)
Founded: 1867
HB 1929, HB 1931, HB 1936, HB 1938
The Committee is composed of a President, eight Vice-Presidents, a Secretary-General, eight Secretaries, a Treasurer and twelve members.
Members in these countries
Representatives from the following countries:
(HB 1929)
Vingt-deux sections nationales
(HB 1936)
The Permanent International Committee of Architects at the moment comprises twenty-five national sections.
(HB 1938)
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
(since 1938)
(since 1929)
(since 1938)
(since 1936)
(since 1929)
(since 1936)
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
Republic of Cuba
(since 1938)
(since 1936)
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
United Kingdom
(since 1929)
United States of America
(since 1929)
(since 1929)
To form a link between the International Congresses of Architects; to prepare and organise these congresses and to fix the agenda, and, in addition, to promote the interest of architects, to improve architecture from an artistic and technical standpoint, and to contribute towards the preservation of historical monuments.
(HB 1929)
Servir de lien entre les congrès internationaux des architectes; préparer et organiser ces congrès; transmettre aux gouvernements les vœux des congrès internationaux et en assurer la réalisation. Les congrès internationaux des architectes sont destinés à améliorer les relations professionnelles, de l'architecte, à défendre ses droits intellectuels et sociaux, à faire progresser l'architecture, au point de vue artistique et technique, ainsi qu'à contribuer à la conservation des monuments historiques.
(HB 1936)
To serve as a bond between architects, principally in the preparation and organisation of large international congresses, the programme of which is decided upon by the Committee who transmits the recommendations to Governments.
The Congresses are held under the aegis of Governments of the countries from which invitations have been sent. The Congresses are destined to improve the professional relations of the architect, to defend his intellectual and social rights, to help architecture to progress from the artistic and technical point of view, as well as to contribute to the conservation of historical monuments
(HB 1938)
Members' subscriptions (minimum, 60 French francs), donations, etc.
(HB 1929)
Cotisations fixées à 100 francs français par membre.
(HB 1936)
Annual subscription of 100 French francs per member.
(HB 1938)
General facts
International Congresses held at Brussels (1897), Paris (1900), Madrid (1904), London (1906), Vienna (1908), Rome (1911), The Hague (1927).
(HB 1929)
Il a été reconnu dès 1867 la nécessité de grouper, sur le plan international et en plus grand nombre possible, des sections nationales en Comité permanent. Ces dernières se sont rencontrées et ont pu discuter de toutes les questions d'ordre général intéressant la profession dans des congrès qui se tiennent tous les deux ans dans une des grandes capitales de l'Europe ou de l'Amérique. Le Congrès de Rome (septembre 1935) est le treizième. Ce chiffre s'explique par l'interruption des relations internationales pendant une assez longue période qui suivit les événements de 1914-1918.
(HB 1936)
In 1867 the necessity was recognised of grouping into a Permanent Committee, on an international scale, the largest possible number of national sections, consisting for the most part of delegations of the principal professional architect's associations. The last Congresses took place at Rome in 1935 (thirty-nine nations were represented, of which twenty-nine officially) and in Paris from July 19th to 25th, 1937. The next will take place in Washington in 1939.
(HB 1938)
Publication de toutes réunions, décisions et documents importants par fascicule (aucun maximum).
Autres publications contenant des renseignements sur l'organisation : Au cours des congrès et après, des volumes très importants relatant tous les travaux, conférences et vœux sont édités, mais presque immédiatement épuisés. Ils ne figurent que dans les collections particulières de chaque section nationale.
(HB 1936)
The proceedings of all meetings are published in pamphlet form: decisions and important documents are issued in separate pamphlets (without minimum) (private). During the Congress and afterwards, volumes embodying the work, conferences, recommendations, visits, receptions, etc., are published, but almost immediately exhausted; they are only to be found in individual collections
(HB 1938)
Congresses, publications, etc.
(HB 1929)
Congrès internationaux périodiques (tous les deux ans) ; réunions du Bureau et réunions générales en dehors de celles inhérentes aux congrès, bisannuelles au moins; conférences au cours des congrès et en dehors des séances tenues au cours desdits congrès.
(HB 1936)
Congresses usually every two years. Meetings of the Bureau. General Assemblies held apart from the regular Congresses.
(HB 1938)