International Conference of Associations of Disabled and Other Ex-Service Men

International Conference of Associations of Disabled and Other Ex-Service Men, Internationale Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Kriegsteilnehmer und Kriegsbeschädigten, Conférence Internationale des Associations de Mutilés de Guerre et Anciens Combattants (CIAMAC)
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Founded: 1925
Sources: HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938


Annual assembly, Board of Management and Secretariat.


Relationships with other Organisations



To organise regular contact between associations of war victims and ex-service men in all countries; to defend the material and moral interests of war victims and ex-service men; to contribute actively to the improvement of international relations and the maintenance of world peace. (HB 1929) Créer des rapports réguliers entre les associations de victimes de la guerre (invalides, veuves, orphelins et ascendants) et d'anciens combattants de tous les pays; défendre les intérêts matériels et moraux des victimes de la guerre et des anciens combattants; contribuer activement à l'amélioration des rapports internationaux et à la consolidation de la paix mondiale. (HB 1936) To organise regular contact between associations of war invalids, widows, orphans and ex-service men in all countries; to defend the material and moral interests of war victims and ex-service men; to contribute actively to the improvement of international relations and the maintenance of world peace. (HB 1938)


Subscriptions from affiliated national federations.


"The Ciamac Review", published every two months in French and German. (HB 1929) Bulletin de la Ciamac, bimensuel 1929-1933, occasionnel depuis 1934 (en français et allemand). (HB 1936) Official Publication: Bulletin de la Ciamac; published twice monthly from 1929 to 1933: since then occasionally (in French and German). (HB 1938)


Annual assemblies: Geneva 1925 and 1926; Vienna 1927; Berlin 1928. (HB 1929) Conférences annuelles [...] Manifestations en faveur de la paix. Interventions auprès des gouvernements en faveur des victimes de la guerre, etc. (HB 1936) Annual Conferences [...], Demonstrations in favour of Peace and of the League of Nations. Petitions to Governments on behalf of war victims, etc. Work of member Associations in the cause of peace, the League of Nations and disarmament. (HB 1938)
