International Committee on Historical Sciences

International Committee on Historical Sciences, Comité International des Sciences Historiques
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Founded: 14/5/1926
Sources: HB 1929, HB 1936


  • Tibor Etienne Barath Secretariat 1936 : adjoint, Assistant to the Secretariat and Secretary for the 'Bulletin' (HB 1938) / Secretariat 1938 : Internal Committees: 1. Publications Committee (HB 1938)
  • J. H. Baxter Chairman (President) 1938 : Internal Committee for the Annual International Bibliography of Historical Sciences ((HB 1938)
  • L. Bittner Chairman (President) 1938 : Internal Committee on Diplomatic History (HB 1938)
  • G. Bourgin Chairman (President) 1938 : Internal Committee for the International Press Bibliography (HB 1938)
  • E. Boysen Rapporteur (Member) 1938 : Internal Committee on History Teaching Rapporteur for secondary education (HB 1938)
  • Prof. Brandi Assessor 1929-1936
  • Prof. K. Brandt Vice President 1936 / Chairman (President) 1938 : Internal Archives Committee (HB 1938)
  • P. Capra Rapporteur (Member) 1938 : Rapporteur for elementary education(HB 1938)
  • P. Caron Secretary 1938 : 3. Internal Committee for the Annual International Bibliography of Historical Sciences (HB 1938)
  • L. Nicolau d'Olwer Secretary 1938 / Member 1938 : Internal Committee on Chronology (HB 1938)
  • R. P. de Delehaye Member 1936
  • Prof. Oscar de Halecki Chairman (President) 1938 : Internal Committee on Chronology (HB 1938)
    Representative of Poland
  • Prof. de Sanctis Assessor 1929-1936
  • Prof. Br. Dembinski Vice President 1929
  • A. Depreaux Secretary 1938 : Internal Committee on Historical Iconography (HB 1938)
  • Prof. Al. Domanovszky Member 1936
  • Prof. Dopsch Vice President 1929-1936
  • A. Friis Chairman (President) 1938 : Internal Committees: 1. Publications Committee (HB 1938)
  • Dr. L. Gross Secretary 1938 : Internal Committee on Diplomatic History (HB 1938)
  • M. Handelsman Rapporteur (Member) 1938 : Internal Committee on History Teaching: Rapporteur for higher education (HB 1938)
  • G. T. Hankin Secretary 1938 : Internal Committees: 2. Committee on History Teaching (HB 1938)
  • Prof. H. Koht President 1929-1936 / Counsellor 1936-1938 / Advisor 1938
    Representative of Norway
  • Prof. Waldo G. Leland Treasurer 1929-1936 / Counsellor 1936-1938 / Advisor 1938
  • Prof. M. Lhéritier General Secretary (Secretary General) 1929 / Secretary 1938 : Internal Committees: 1. Publications Committee (HB 1938)
  • E. Lukinich Secretary 1938 : Internal Committee on Constitutional History (HB 1938)
  • W. Mommsen Secretary 1938 : Internal Committee for the International Press Bibliography (HB 1938)
  • Prof. H. Nabholz Treasurer 1936 : Internal Committee on Chronology (HB 1938) / Secretary 1938 : Internal Committee on Chronology (HB 1938)
  • G. Pages Chairman (President) 1938 : Internal Committees: 2. Committee on History Teaching (HB 1938)
  • G. M. Powicke Vice Chairman (Vice President) 1938 : Internal Committee on Chronology (HB 1938)
  • R. Regis de Oliveira Vice Chairman (Vice President) 1938 : Internal Committee on Diplomatic History (HB 1938)
  • Prof. Temperley Assessor 1929-1936 / President 1936
  • Prof. V. Ussani Member 1936-1938
  • Van Puyvelde Chairman (President) 1938 : Internal Committee on Historical Iconography (HB 1938)
  • G. Volpe Chairman (President) 1938 : Internal Committee on Constitutional History (HB 1938)


Relationships with other Organisations

Members in these countries

Algeria (since 1929) , Argentina (since 1929) , Austria (since 1929) , Belgium (since 1929) , Brazil (since 1929) , Bulgaria (since 1929) , Canada (since 1936) , Chile (since 1929) , Czechoslovakia (since 1929) , Dantzig (since 1929) , Denmark (since 1929) , Ecuador (since 1936) , Egypt (since 1936) , Estonia (since 1929) , Finland (since 1929) , France (since 1929) , Germany (since 1929) , Greece (since 1929) , Hungary (since 1929) , India (since 1936) , Indochina (since 1936) , Italy (since 1929) , Japan (since 1929) , Kingdom of Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia (1929-1936) , Latvia (since 1936) , Lithuania (since 1936) , Malta (since 1936) , Mexico (since 1936) , Netherlands (since 1929) , Norway (since 1929) , Poland (since 1929) , Portugal (since 1929) , Romania (since 1929) , Spain (since 1929) , Sweden (since 1929) , Switzerland (since 1929) , Tunisia (since 1929) , Turkey (since 1929) , Ukraine (since 1936) , Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (since 1929) , United Kingdom (since 1929) , United States of America (since 1929) , Uruguay (since 1929) , Yugoslavia (since 1936) ,



To promote historical sciences through international co-operation ; to organise international congresses on historical sciences. (HB 1929) Travailler au développement des sciences historiques, en procédant par voie de coopération internationale ; organiser les congrès internationaux des sciences historiques. (HB 1936)


The budget of the Committee is divided into two parts, one administrative and the other scientific. As regards the administrative part, each country pays an annual subscription, which is the same for all countries. The scientific, part is formed by any surplus from the administrative budget, by extraordinary contributions, by gifts, subsidies and bequests. (HB 1929) Subvention de la Fondation Rockefeller et cotisations annuelles des membres. (HB 1936) Grant from Rockefeller Foundation, and members' annual subscriptions.(HB 1938)

General facts

Réunion constitutive du Comité à Genève, en mai 1926. Assemblée générale à Göttingen (1927), Oslo (1928), Cambridge (1930), Budapest (1931), La Haye (1932), Varsovie (1933), Paris (1934). Congrès internationaux des sciences historiques à Oslo (1928) et à Varsovie (1933). (HB 1936) Constituent meeting of the Committee at Geneva in May 1926. General Assembly at Gfittingen (1927) Oslo (1928), Cambridge (1930), Budapest (1931), The Hague (1932), Warsaw (1933), Paris (1934). International Congresses on Historical Sciences at Oslo (1928), Warsaw (1933) and Bucharest (1935).(HB 1938)


Bulletin du Comité international des Sciences historiques. (HB 1936). Bulletin of the International Committee of Historical Sciences, published by the Presses Universitaires, 49, Boulevard Saint- Michel, Paris. Vol. I, Nos.1-5, 1926-1929; Vol. 2, Nos. 6-10,1929-30; Vol. 3, Nos. 11-13,1931; Vol. 4. Nos. 14-17,1932 ; Vol. 5, Nos. 18-21, 1933; Vol. 6, Nos. 22-25,1934; Vol. 7, Nos. 26-29, X935- (Price of each volume, 75 French francs.) 'Records of the Oslo Congress (1928)' ; 'Summary of Communications submitted to the Oslo Congress (1928)' ; 'Records of tie first International Congress on Literary History (1931)'; "Summary of Communications submitted to the Warsaw Congress (1933)"; "Reports submitted to the Warsaw Congress (1933)"; 'World list of Historical Periodicals; Bibliography of Colonial History (1900-1930)' ; "Table of European Expansion (XHth-XIXth centuries); Catalogue mapparum geogra-phicarum ad historiam pertinentium Varsoviae 1933 exposiiarum; "Annual International Bibliography of Historical Sciences"; Repertorium der dipiomatischen Vertreter; L a Nationality et VHistoire (Ensemble <EEtudes) ; Bibliographiepour la Chronologie des Jiefs de la France et d' Orient latin; Bibliographic des grands voyages et des grandes decouvertes ; Rapports sur Venseignement d' histoire ; La Costituzione degli Stati nelVEta moderna ; 1 History of the Principal Public Banks " ; Repertoire chronologique des literatures modernes.(HB 1938)


Various works are in preparation. The first five numbers of the bulletin of the Committee have already appeared, recording its activities. It contains the results of various enquiries and is intended to be used as a general information bulletin for historical matters. The Committee also publishes an International Year-Book of Historical Bibliography which is the continuation of the Jahresberichte der Geschichtswissenschaft, the first volume of which will appear in 1929. The officers, Bibliography Commission and the Commission for the International Historical Review met twice at the International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation in 1928. The first General Assembly of the Committee met at Göttingen in 1927, the second at Oslo in 1928, during tho International Congress of Historical Sciences organised under the auspices of the Committee (HB 1929). Le Comité tient une séance plénière au moins tous les trois ans. Une séance plénière est tenue à l'occasion du Congrès international des sciences historiques ; publication des comptes rendus et du bulletin. (HB 1936) The Committee holds a plenary meeting at least every three years. A plenary meeting is held on the occasion of the International Congress on Historical Sciences; publication of the minutes and of the Bulletin. (HB 1938)