International Society of Soil Science

International Society of Soil Science, Internationale Bodenkundliche Gesellschaft, Association Internationale de la Science du Sol
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Founded: 19/5/1924
Sources: HB 1929, HB 1936, HB 1938


(a) The Executive Committee (Bureau) ; (b) the General Committee ; (c) the International Commissions; (d) the National Sections. (HB 1929) HB 1936: Executive Committee


Members in these countries

Any individual or body corporate engaged in the study of soil science is eligible for ordinary membership of the society, i.e., private persons, institutes, libraries, etc. (HB 1929) Toute personne ou organisation s'intéressant à la pédologie. Actuellement 968 membres dans les pays suivants : Afrique orientale et occidentale, Afrique du Sud, Allemagne, Argentine, Australie, Autriche, Belgique, Brésil, Royaume-Uni, Canada, Chili, Chine, Danemark, Dantzig, Egypte, Espagne, Estonie, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Finlande, France et Algérie, Grèce, Hongrie, Indes britanniques orientales et occidentales, Indes néerlandaises, Irak, Etat libre d'Irlande, Italie, Japon, Lettonie, Lithuanie, Nouvelle-Zélande, Norvège, Palestine, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Portugal, Roumanie, Union des Républiques soviétiques socialistes, Soudan, Suède, Suisse, Tchécoslovaquie, Yougoslavie. (HB 1936) Any individual or body corporate engaged in the study of soil science. Actually 916 members in the following countries : (HB 1938)
Algeria (since 1936) , Argentina (since 1936) , Australia (since 1936) , Austria (since 1936) , Belgium (since 1936) , Brazil (since 1936) , British India (since 1936) , Canada (since 1938) , Chile (since 1938) , China (since 1938) , Czechoslovakia (since 1936) , Dantzig (since 1938) , Denmark (since 1938) , Dutch East Indies (since 1936) , East Africa (since 1936) , Egypt (since 1938) , Estonia (since 1938) , Finland (since 1936) , France (since 1936) , Germany (since 1936) , Greece (since 1936) , Hungary (since 1936) , Indochina (since 1938) , Iran (since 1938) , Iraq (since 1936) , Irish Free State (since 1936) , Italy (since 1936) , Japan (since 1936) , Latvia (since 1936) , Lithuania (since 1936) , Madagascar (since 1938) , Netherlands (since 1936) , New Zealand (since 1936) , Norway (since 1936) , Palestine (since 1936) , Peru (since 1938) , Poland (since 1936) , Portugal (since 1936) , Romania (since 1936) , Siam (since 1938) , South Africa (since 1936) , Spain (since 1938) , Sudan (since 1936) , Sweden (since 1936) , Switzerland (since 1936) , Turkey (since 1938) , Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (since 1936) , United Kingdom (since 1936) , West Africa (since 1936) , Yugoslavia (since 1938) , Yugoslavia (since 1936) ,



The study and promotion of soil science in general by means of : (a) the organisation of congresses and conferences; (b) the formation of sections and commissions; (c) the publication of a review; (d) the institution of a Central Office for Soil Science bibliography (documentation) at the International Institute of Agriculture at Rome. (HB 1929) Faire progresser et encourager le développement de toutes les connaissances se rattachant à la science du sol au moyen de : a) la convocation de congrès et conférences; b) la constitution de sections et de commissions; c) la publication d'un périodique; d) la constitution d'un bureau central de bibliographie pédologique à l'Institut international d'Agriculture à Rome. (HB 1936)


(a) Sources of income: annual members' subscriptions; (b) annual expenditure: approximately, 8,000 Dutch guilders. (HB 1929) Cotisations des membres s'élevant de 8.000 à 9.000 florins (10 florins par membre). (HB 1936) Members' subscriptions, amounting to between 6,ooo and 7,000 Dutch guilders (7.5 Netherlands guilders per member). (HB 1938)

General facts

Avant la création de l'Association, plusieurs Conférences internationales de la science du sol ont eu lieu : à Budapest en 1909, à Stockholm en 1910, à Prague en 1922, et à Rome en 1924 où l'Association internationale de la science du sol a été créée. (HB 1936)


(1) Proceedings of the International Society of Soil Science, central organ of soil science ; (2) Soil Research, Supplements to the Proceedings of the International Society of Soil Science ; publications of the International Commissions : (1) Transactions of the Second Commission of the International Society of Soil Science, Groningen, 1926 (Volume A) and 1927 (Volume B) ; (2) Conclusions of the First Commission Meeting at Rothamsted-Harpenden 1926 ; (3) general map of the soils of Europe. (HB 1929) Comptes rendus des Congrès et des sessions des Commissions (HB 1936) (1) Proceedings of the International Society of Soil Science ; 2) Soil Research, supplements to the Proceedings of the International Assembly of il Science; (3) Proceedings of the Congresses and meetings of the Commissions (HB 1938)


First International Congress, June 1927, Washington, U.S.A.; meetings of the International Commissions : Groningen 1926, Rothamsted-Harpenden 1926, Berlin 1926, Düsseldorf 1926; Meetings of the National Sections. (HB 1929) Premier congrès international, Washington, 1927; Second congrès international, Leningrad-Moscou, 1930; Troisième congrès international, Oxford, 1935. Troisième Commission, Berlin, 1925; Première Commission, Rothamsted-Herpenden, 1926; Cinquième Commission (Sous-Commission 5«), Budapest, 1926; Seconde Commission, Groningen, 1926; Troisième Commission, Berlin, 1926; Quatrième Commission, Düsseldorf, 1926; Seconde Commission et Sous-Commission pour les sols alcalins), Budapest, 1929; Première Commission, Prague, 1929; Quatrième Commission, Königsberg, 1929; Troisième Commission, Stockholm, 1929; Cinquième Commission, Dantzig, 1929; Cinquième Commission (Sous-Commission des sols forestiers), Stockholm, 1929 ; Sixième Commission, Prague, 1929; Deuxième Commission (Comité d'arpentage), Berlin, 1930; Sixième Commission, Groningen, 1932; Deuxième, troisième et quatrième Commissions et Sous-Commissions pour les sols alcalins, Va, Copenhague, 1933 ; Première Commission, Versailles, 1934. (HB 1936) First International Congress, June 1927, Washington, U.S.A.; Second International Congress, Leningrad-Moscow, 1930; Third International Congress, Oxford, 1935; Fourth International Congress, Heidelberg-Berlin, 1940. Third Commission, Berlin, 1925; First Commission, Rothamsted-Harpenden, 1926; Fifth Commission (Sub-Commission 5 a), Budapest, 1926; Second Commission, Groningen, 1926; Third Commission, Berlin, 1926; Fourth Commission, Diisseldorf, 1926; Second Commission and Sub-Commission for alkaline soil, Budapest, 1929; First Commission, Prague, 1929; Fourth Commission, Konigsberg, 1929; Third Commission, Stockholm, 1929; Fifth Commission, Danzig, 1929; Fifth Commission (Sub-Commission of forest soil), Stockholm, 1929; Sixth Commission, Prague, 1929; Second Commission (Land Survey Committee), Berlin, 1930; Sixth Commission, Groningen, 1932; Second, third, fourth Commission and Sub-Commission for alkaline soil, Va, Copenhagen, 1933; First Commission, Versailles, 1934; Second, Third and Fourth Commissions, Königsberg, 1936 ; Fifth Commission, Vienna, 1937; Sixth Commission, Zurich, 1937. (HB 1938)
